Cultural and governance difficulties take centre stage at ICSA Subsidiary Governance Summit

London, 13 June 2014 – ICSA is holding a practitioner-led, half-day summit on subsidiary governance, which will feature real-life case studies and provide a genuine forum for governance professionals to discuss the issues that really matter.

Opening the summit, Jane Earl will provide insight on how BBC Worldwide overcame the difficulties of integrating standalone commercial subsidiaries and disparate divisions as part of a larger governance overhaul at the BBC. Likewise, Smith & Nephew will provide an inside look at how a global company handles its ongoing subsidiary governance challenges. A panel discussion will consider how to develop and implement robust governance frameworks and topical global compliance issues. The summit will also highlight the findings of a new report Responding to Global Risks, which aims to show how organisations, boards and individual leaders can begin to understand global risks such as fiscal crises and climate change, and how to build resilience to them.

The summit, which will be chaired by Bernice Dunsmuir, a consultant for Linklaters LLP’s corporate division, takes place on 25 June at the Thistle Marble Arch hotel, Bryanston Street, London W1H 7EH.

Speakers include:

  • Gemma Parsons FCIS, Deputy Company Secretary, Smith & Nephew 
  • Jane Earl FCIS, Company Secretary, BBC Worldwide
  • Chris Butler, Manager, Global Subsidiary Governance Services, Citco
  • John Hurrell, Chief Executive, AIRMIC
  • James Crask, Senior Manager, PwC

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For further information, please contact Maria Brookes, Media Relations Manager:  
+44 (0)20 7612 7072
+44 (0)7890 649 143

Notes to Editors:

1 ICSA (Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators) is the chartered membership and qualifying body for professionals working in governance, risk and compliance, including company secretaries. Our members work in all sectors and at every level of seniority. With over 120 years of experience, we champion high governance standards by providing qualifications, training, high-quality guidance and support (including technical resources, publications and software), and through our work with regulators and policy makers.

2 The full Summit programme can be found online at: 

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