Deputy Lord Mayor of Belfast discusses governance challenges with ICSA

Belfast, 17 November – The Deputy Lord Mayor of Belfast, Councillor Sonia Copeland, met John Heaton, President of ICSA: The Governance Institute and Darren Leonard, ICSA’s Northern Ireland Branch Vice-Chair this afternoon to discuss the importance of good governance for UK corporates, the public sector and charitable organisations.

Meeting following ICSA’s 83rd Annual Branch Dinner yesterday, all agree that there continues to be a need for effective governance across the private and public sectors. The impending Brexit deadline and ongoing negotiations have created political uncertainty and now is the time where it is important for organisations to have robust governance policies in place, particularly here in Northern Ireland.

The Deputy Lord Mayor noted that honesty and trust are central to good governance standards. Mr Heaton confirmed that ICSA had broadened the scope of its professional qualifications earlier this year and was keen to emphasise to all stakeholders that the Institute is recognised as the “one-stop-shop” for all things governance, including risk management, compliance and company secretary roles.

Mr Leonard said that the Institute aims to be the natural home for governance and compliance professionals throughout the UK and Ireland and that the Northern Ireland Branch will be holding a number of professional development events and social events over the next twelve months.  

The Lord Mayor wished Darren every success with the Branch’s other upcoming events.

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Maria Brookes, Media Relations Manager:

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Notes to Editors:

  1. ICSA: The Governance Institute is the professional body for governance. We have members in all sectors and are required by our Royal Charter to lead ‘effective governance and efficient administration of commerce, industry and public affairs’. With over 125 years’ experience, we work with regulators and policy makers to champion high standards of governance and provide qualifications, training and guidance.

  2. ICSA’s Northern Ireland branch was established in 1934 and comprises members who work in the private, public and voluntary and community sectors. The branch promotes the highest standards in chartered secretaryship and represents and supports the profession. In furtherance of this objective, the Branch Committee organises a mixture of professional and social events which take place throughout the year. The branch has a close relationship with the University of Ulster. Students who successfully complete the Postgraduate Diploma/MSc in Management and Corporate Governance can become graduate members of ICSA and prizes are awarded to outstanding students at the branch’s annual dinner.
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