London, 3 September 2018 – Simon Osborne, the Chief Executive of The Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland, a division of the global governance body the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators, is to retire in mid-2019.
John Heaton, the President commented:
‘Since becoming Chief Executive seven years ago, Simon has led a significant change programme, focusing on three key pillars: representing and engaging with members, including reviving the branch network; extending the range of CGIUKI's qualifications and training across many sectors; and raising its profile to reflect the increasing global importance of good governance.
‘The Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland is in a substantially stronger position now than it was. The recruitment process is underway and whoever succeeds Simon has a solid base on which to build. We are grateful for the tremendous job he has done to modernise our professional body, enhance its reputation and build a good management and support team. I don’t believe that our reputation with government, regulators and the key influencers with whom we interact has ever been higher.’
Simon Osborne said:
‘I have been Chief Executive of The Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland since October 2011, following a legal career in the railway industry and then working as a consultant helping to grow CGIUKI's board evaluation practice. This role has been an unexpected and thoroughly enjoyable career change for me, but I feel that the time has come for someone new to take the organisation forward.
‘My tenure has seen this part of the global Institute become a division in its own right, with a strapline that emphasises the important work that we and our members do in the field of governance. I also oversaw the sale last year of our two former software businesses and the acquisition this year of ProShare, which will help to ensure the financial security of the division going forward. There is considerable crossover in the respective audiences and stakeholders of CGIUKI and ProShare; both businesses can strengthen their influence in the governance debate at this pivotal time for corporate governance in the UK.
‘I have much enjoyed the challenge of improving our outreach and support for our many branches in the UK and Crown Dependencies, Ireland and our Associated Territories; as well as helping to raise the profile of CGIUKI generally and in the media. Our strong programme of regional conferences, the new two-day conference format in London and our Annual Awards have established us as a leading player in the governance space, with numbers of attendees and exhibitors increasing year on year. We also have the new CGIUKI qualifying programme which we launched earlier this year as well as a strong portfolio of standalone qualifications to be proud of.
‘None of this would have been possible though without the dedicated team of people that I have had the pleasure of working with at CGIUKI; the support of our Honorary Officers and committee members; and the volunteers who serve so selflessly to sustain our reinvigorated branch network.’
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