Getting the balance right – ICSA Guernsey Conference 2014

London/Guernsey, 17 March 2014
Getting the balance right - ICSA Guernsey Conference 2014 offers guidance on how to manage conflicting demands

Companies and the boards that guide them are under increasing pressure from all sides. Regulators are demanding greater transparency. Investors want better and faster returns, and the public want greater assurances that businesses are run honestly and responsibly. Company secretaries and other corporate governance, risk and compliance (GRC) professionals are well placed to help boards balance these conflicting demands. On 30 April, at the ICSA Guernsey Conference 2014, Guernsey-based businesses and the GRC professionals who help steer them will hear how to stay ahead of the curve on regulation and get to grips with the latest risk and corporate governance issues.

William Mason, Director General of the Guernsey Financial Services Commission, will provide a keynote address about ethics in governance, a key consideration in the face of increased public scrutiny. Jeremy Harrison, Chief Executive, The Institute of Risk Management will examine the business case for identifying and communicating risk, another major concern for businesses globally. In addition, Dan Perrett, Director, Towers Watson will consider if Guernsey can afford to ignore the issue of executive pay with much of Europe toying with caps on pay, tougher rules on disclosure and binding shareholder votes.

Taking place at the St Pierre Park Hotel, St Peter Port, Guernsey and chaired by ICSA Chief Executive Simon Osborne FCIS, the conference will also cover the following areas:

  • Improving corporate governance
  • The changing role of the audit committee
  • 14 tips for better reporting
  • Update on the Guernsey Companies law: now and next.

Conference speakers include Anne Ewing, Non Executive Director, Investment Funds; Ove Svejstrup, Senior Manager, Assurance, EMEIA Financial Services, EY; Peter Swabey FCIS, Policy & Research Director, ICSA, and Ian Kirk, Partner, Collas Crill. The annual conference, which provides an opportunity for delegates to network with peers and meet with suppliers of governance and compliance products and services, is a calendar favourite of many Guernsey businesses.

Speaking in advance of the conference, ICSA Guernsey Branch Chair Tom Lancaster-King says: “As well as gaining an insight into the latest regulatory developments and what they mean for Guernsey businesses, delegates will be able to benchmark their organisation’s governance and compliance arrangements and consider how they might be improved. We know that company secretaries and other GRC professionals have a vital role to play in helping companies deliver the best results to a large and varied number of stakeholders and this conference provides expert advice on how to achieve this effectively.”


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For further information, please contact Maria Brookes, Media Relations Manager:

+44 (0)20 7612 7072

+44 (0)7890 649 143

Note to the Editors


1      ICSA (Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators) is the chartered membership and qualifying body for professionals working in governance, risk and compliance, including company secretaries. Our members work in all sectors and at every level of seniority. With over 120 years of experience, we champion high governance standards by providing qualifications, training, high-quality guidance and support (including technical resources, publications and software), and through our work with regulators and policy makers.


2      The ICSA Guernsey Corporate Governance Conference ‘Getting the balance right’ takes place at The St Pierre Park Hotel, St Peter Port, Guernsey on 30 April 2014. Full details can be found at:


3      For more details about ICSA in Guernsey, please visit

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