ICSA launches consultation on academy governance effectiveness

London, 16 June 2015 - ICSA, the professional body for governance, has launched an academy trust governance maturity matrix to support the development of good governance in academy schools. The consultation follows research commissioned by ICSA into academy governance that found that academies are struggling to transform their governance.

Governance services used by academies are often ‘pick and mix’, based on pre-existing relationships with variable results. The research also found that the emphasis tends to be on compliance without there being a real driver for improved governance standards that add value for the school or its pupils. Plus it tends to be only the larger trusts that have more access to governance support.

The matrix is a self-evaluation tool for trust governing bodies and governance professionals. It covers the spectrum of practice, from fledgling governance arrangements to ‘best in class’ leadership.

ICSA is beefing up its support of academy trust governance with expert guidance, training and advice. Last year it also published ‘How to Run an Academy School’, written by chartered secretary and author Katie Paxton-Doggett. Katie is speaking at this year’s The Sunday Times Festival of Education on 18 June when she is leading the discussion ‘What’s next for school governance?’. Katie will invite a range of expert panellists – Nick Chambers, Director, Education and Employers, Thomas Gilliford, RSA; Naureen Khalid, co-Founder of @Ukgovchat; Kirsty Watt, Head of Academy Ambassadors; and Emma Knight, CEO, NGA – to consider the impact of the changes of the last five years, and what the new education bill might mean for school governance.

Free guidance for governance professionals, trustees and volunteers produced by ICSA includes:

The Academy Governance Maturity Matrix can be downloaded at https://www.icsa.org.uk/assets/files/Policy/Consultations/icsa-academy-gov-maturity-matrix-consultation.pdf

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