The Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland celebrates £2,500 gift from The Patron’s Fund

London, 7 February 2017 – The Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland is celebrating a gift of £2,500 to The Chartered Secretaries’ Charitable Trust (CSCT) from The Patron’s Fund, the charitable fund set up to acknowledge the work of the charitable organisations for which Her Majesty, The Queen acts as a Patron, on the occasion of her 90th birthday.

Around £750,000 is available to distribute between nearly 300 charities and other organisations in the UK and the Commonwealth. The Fund received generous donations from a range of supporters; including individual donors, businesses, schools, community groups and the proceeds from The Patron’s Lunch, the event on the Mall last June.

The £2,500 gift was awarded following an application by The Chartered Secretaries’ Charitable Trust, which works closely with CGIUKI and which supports chartered secretaries and their families in need, facilitates research to increase good governance for the benefit of the public and encourages the expertise of those in the field of governance with bursaries and prizes.

With a Royal Charter to lead ‘effective governance and efficient administration of commerce, industry and public affairs’, CGIUKI supports its members and other governance professionals by providing qualifications, training and guidance on governance for the public, private and not-for-profit sectors. It also works with regulators and policy makers to champion good governance, including ongoing work related to the UK Government’s corporate governance review and revisions to the charity sector’s Good Governance: a code for the voluntary and community sector.

Speaking on behalf of CGIUKI, Frank Curtiss, President of The Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland and Chairman of CSCT, commented: ‘We are delighted to have The Queen as our Patron. This money will help us to establish an annual prize named the ‘Queen Elizabeth II Commonwealth Prize’. A prize of £250 will be awarded to the student from one of CGIUKI's Associated Territories who obtains the highest mark in the CGIUKI Chartered Secretaries Qualifying Scheme, a route to obtaining chartered secretary status. The Chartered Secretaries’ Charitable Trust will match the support received from the Patron’s Fund and we hope that this award will inspire students in Commonwealth countries outside of the UK, Crown Dependencies and Republic of Ireland to achieve the highest standards in the qualifying scheme and provide resources to facilitate their continued studies as appropriate.’

Sir Stuart Etherington, Chair of The Board of Trustees for The Patron’s Fund, said:

‘The Patron’s Fund is very pleased to be able to support The Chartered Secretaries’ Charitable Trust and The Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland with its valuable work. CGIUKI is among hundreds of organisations for which The Queen acts as a Patron, which between them make a difference to causes and communities in the UK and throughout the Commonwealth.’

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For further information, please contact Maria Brookes, Media Relations Manager:  
+44 (0)20 7612 7072
+44 (0)7890 649 143

Notes to Editors:

  1. The Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland is the professional body for governance. We have members in all sectors and are required by our Royal Charter to lead ‘effective governance and efficient administration of commerce, industry and public affairs’. With over 125 years’ experience, we work with regulators and policy makers to champion high standards of governance and provide qualifications, training and guidance.

    A division of the international membership body the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators, The Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland currently has branches outside of the UK, Crown Dependencies and Republic of Ireland in Barbados, British Virgin Islands, Cayman, Ghana, Kenya, Jamaica, Mauritius, Nigeria, Tanzania, Trinidad and Tobago, Uganda and Zambia with over 1000 overseas students registered to undertake the Chartered Secretary Qualifying Scheme examinations.

  2. The Chartered Secretaries’ Charitable Trust (‘the Trust’) was incorporated on 9 July 2013. Registered charity no. 1152784. Company registration no. 8602517. The Chartered Secretaries’ Charitable Trust relationship with CGIUKI goes back to 1897, when one of the Founders of the Institute created the Benevolent Fund. In 2013, the Trustees brought together the three unincorporated charities of the CGIUKI Benevolent Fund, CGIUKI Education and Research Foundation and CGIUKI Prize Fund into one charitable company. While CGIUKI no longer controls The Chartered Secretaries’ Charitable Trust, the historic initial aim of the founder continues and has been enhanced.

  3. For further information on The Patron’s Fund (Registered Charity No. 1164171), email or visit 
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