Staying on course – Jersey Corporate Governance Conference

London/Jersey, 12 March 2014
Proportional governance – the best defence during uncertain times
On 25 April, at ICSA’s Jersey Corporate Governance Conference, representatives of the Channel Island’s financial service providers will learn about current best practice and hear how balanced governance can deliver competitive advantages. At the conference, ‘Staying on course’, delegates will explore some of the issues that can divert a company from achieving its goals and see how a system of proportional governance can provide some protection during uncertain times.

David Burmingham, Head of Jersey Financial Crimes Unit, will be speaking about global financial governance and the impact of the wave of uprisings that swept across the Middle East and North Africa post-late 2010. Uncertain times such as these represent a great challenge for many Western governments and Jersey’s Asset Recovery Task Force is now engaged in one of the most significant international asset tracing investigations in recent years.  With renewed unrest globally, the issues raised by David’s pertinent presentation continue to resonate.

Taking place at The Royal Yacht Hotel, Weighbridge, St Helier and chaired by Tania Angell FCIS, ICSA’s Jersey Branch Chairman, the conference will cover the following areas in detail:

  • Managing shareholder demands: the great balancing act
  • Managing reputational risk: improving business conduct
  • Non-executive directors: their role in good governance
  • Board dynamics: keeping egos in check.

Conference speakers include Ed Shorrock, Director of Regulatory Services, Baker & Partners; David Oliver, Acting Director, Trust Company Business, Jersey Financial Services Commission; David Minty, Senior Regulatory Consultant, Sator Regulatory Consulting, and Louise Cram, HR Director, Collas Crill.

ICSA’s Policy & Research Director Peter Swabey, who will consider what impact the different legislative and regulatory changes from the UK, Europe and beyond might have for companies in Jersey, comments: “Corporate governance can be tricky to get just right. It is not simply a box ticking exercise and nor should it stifle creativity. Done well, good governance means that businesses can ensure sustainability while continuing to innovate. Implementing and maintaining a culture of trust and transparency is key to long-term success and the expert advice on hand at the conference provides support to the governance professionals who need to steer boards and businesses in the right direction.”

Tania Angell adds: “Reputation is one of the most powerful drivers of business success, but what takes years to build, can be lost in a second, particularly in troubled times. Boards have to manage potentially destructive reputational risks and improving business conduct through the implementation of good governance is one way of helping to minimise such risk. Diversity of opinion at board level is also a way of ensuring that a business plays to its maximum strengths and is a matter of robust governance in itself.”



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 Note to Editors:

  1. ICSA (the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators) is the chartered membership and qualifying body for professionals working in governance, risk and compliance, including company secretaries.  Our members work in all sectors and at every level of seniority. With over 120 years of experience, we champion high governance standards by providing qualifications, training, high-quality guidance and support (including technical resources, publications and software), and through our work with regulators and policy makers. Website:
  2. The ICSA Jersey Corporate Governance Conference ‘Staying on course’ takes place at The Royal Yacht Hotel, Weighbridge, St Helier on 25 April 2014. Full details can be found at:


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