New guidance launched to help academies’ understanding of CLG model

London, 27 August 2019 – Guidance to improve understanding of the companies limited by guarantee (CLG) model and the charity, company and education frameworks within which academies operate has been released today by ICSA: The Governance Institute.

The guidance has been published as a suite of six introductory guidance notes covering the following topics:

  • Charitable companies limited by guarantee
  • Forming a charitable company limited by guarantee
  • Articles of association of a charitable company limited by guarantee
  • Meetings of a charitable company limited by guarantee
  • Officers and their responsibilities in a charitable company limited by guarantee
  • Role of members in a charitable company limited by guarantee.

Louise Thomson, Head of Policy (Not for Profit) at ICSA commented:

“As charitable companies limited by guarantee, academies are subject not only to education legislation but also to charity and company law. There can be confusion around the many pieces of legislation and regulation that apply to academy trust schools, which is why we have produced guidance to help those working within the sector to understand the key issues that might arise when running a CLG.

“The guidance will help to clarify the process of forming a CLG and how a CLG can be run, including the powers available to directors/trustees to oversee the governance of the organisation. It will also provide practical insight into the types of meetings CLGs must hold and the role, powers and duties of both officers and members.”

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For further information, please contact Maria Brookes, Media Relations Manager:  
+44 (0)20 7612 7072
+44 (0)7890 649 143

Notes to Editors:

  1. ICSA: The Governance Institute is the professional body for governance. We have members in all sectors and are required by our Royal Charter to lead ‘effective governance and efficient administration of commerce, industry and public affairs’. With over 125 years’ experience, we work with regulators and policy makers to champion high standards of governance and provide qualifications, training and guidance. Website: 

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