This event took place on Tuesday 28 March 2023
This CPD session focused on directors duties and what a Company Secretary can do to aid a Board in meeting those duties.
Following a brief background to directors duties, the session turned to a number of practical elements, focusing on board meetings, the importance of appropriate board packs and supporting documentation, challenge (and support) from the board and the accurate recording of this and how working together the board, company secretary and executive management team can assist and support the directors in exercising their individual duties (and perhaps just as importantly, demonstrating this).
Ray Hunt, Head of Company Secretarial & Compliance Services, McCann FitzGerald LLP
Ray has many years of experience working in the Company Secretarial Departments of Dublin’s tops law and accountancy firms in the provision of a broad range of company secretarial services to clients together with advising on all aspects of company law, governance and company secretarial practice.
Ray is a Fellow of the Institute of the Corporate Governance institute. He is a member of both the Company Secretarial Practice committee of the Irish Region CGI Council and of the CRO Forum.
Ray lectures on the Certificate in Company Secretarial Law & Practice, and Diploma in Corporate Law and Governance courses with the Law Society, and regularly provides updates and briefings on Company Law issues in conjunction with both McCann FitzGerald LLP and the CGI.