ICSA Ireland

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Full house attend annual lunch November 22nd

The annual lunch was held on Friday 22nd November 2013 in Fire Restaurant, Dublin following the conclusion of the 32nd Annual General Meeting of the Republic of Ireland Region, Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators.

The President of the Irish Region, Mr Conor Sweeney opened the meeting and presented a very comprehensive report on the Region’s activities for the past year. The meeting was also attended by Mr David Venus, ICSA president and Mr Simon Osborne, ICSA Chief Executive, who gave an update to members on the proposed reforms to governance arrangements at ICSA.

Following the meeting, over 130 members and guests enjoyed an excellent four course lunch.  During the lunch, Mr David Venus made a presentation to Mr Chris Kane on the occasion of his forthcoming retirement from Council after a service of over 40 years to the Institute, both here and in London.

Our speaker, Mr Tom Maguire from pwc gave a captivating and witty insight into Taxation policy in Ireland.

Our thanks to pwc for sponsoring the lunch.

See images of the day on Flickr.