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Tips on sustainability and ESG reporting in Small Cap and AIM-listed companies

Date: Thursday 6 October 2022
Time: 09.00–10.00 BST

This event was a group presentation and discussion on reporting on sustainability and ESG. 

You can download the presentation slides here.


Catherine Van Loo, Partner, Carnstone

Catherine Van Loo

Catherine has worked across different sectors advising on the implementation of responsible business strategies. Her main areas of expertise are sustainable supply chain management, human rights, and diversity and inclusion.

Kerry Round FCG, Founding Director, Round Governance Services Limited

Kerry Round

Kerry believes the world can be a better place through good governance! Having worked in-house for over 15 years in large private, AIM listed and Standard listing organisations, Kerry set up her own boutique governance consultancy 4 years ago and since then has grown and nurtured this fledgling business into the quality brand that it is today. Kerry is entitled to engage in public practice in the UK, the Republic of Ireland, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man as a Chartered Secretary. Kerry prides herself on being uniquely placed to bring experience, value and a ‘can do’ approach to your organisation. Kerry is also an Associate Lecturer on the MSc Governance at the University of Lincoln.

Victoria Smith, Junior Partner, Carnstone

Victoria Smith

Victoria believes that through effective partnerships, businesses can leverage their collective power to achieve meaningful change. Having focused her master’s research on sustainability initiatives within the cocoa industry, Victoria’s interests lie within sustainable supply chain management including ethical sourcing and human rights.


Small Listed Companies Group and employee share plans

Date: Tuesday 5 October 2021
Time: 09.00–10.00 BST

In all businesses, employees are a key group of stakeholders. Share schemes have long been used to incentivise and reward staff performance and to align their interests with those of the company. As recognition of the need for fairness between investors and other stakeholders increases, and against a backdrop of continuing controversy over some companies’ executive remuneration practices, this event will explore the pros and cons, risks and benefits of employee share ownership and how the share schemes landscape may evolve from here.

BEIS audit and corporate governance consultation in relation to smaller companies

Date: Tuesday 22 June 2021

The BEIS consultation ‘Restoring trust in audit and corporate governance’ has the potential to bring enormous change to the practice and expectations of corporate governance in the UK. We are delighted to be joined by Miranda Craig FCG, Director of Strategy and Change, from the Financial Reporting Council to explore some of the issues and questions raised by the consultation, focussing on those issues likely to be of most relevance to governance professionals working in public practice and company secretaries of smaller listed companies.

QCA Practical Guide to ESG

Date: 28 April 2021

A joint webinar hosted by the QCA and the CGIUKI Small Listed Companies Group to discuss the brand new QCA Practical Guide to ESG.  The QCA Guide to ESG provides practical steps that small and mid-sized quoted companies can take to develop how they examine and disclose their approach to those ESG issues that matter for them. It outlines an approach that is proportionate to the resource constraints of smaller companies, whilst giving investors and stakeholders the information that they need in a digestible manner.

ESG topics are increasingly high profile, and when a company gets them right, this encourages investment and improves reputation. The topics can be complex, with few easy answers: attending this event should help with internal discussions and inform strategy.

You can acces the presentation slides here.


Tim Ward, CEO, Quoted Companies Alliance

Tim Ward is CEO of the Quoted Companies Alliance, the independent membership organisation championing the interests of small to mid-size quoted companies. His past roles have included Head of Issuer Services at the London Stock Exchange, Finance Director at FTSE International, the index company and various management roles at a smaller quoted company. Tim is a Chartered Accountant, has a MBA from Henley Business School and is a qualified executive coach and mentor.

Section 172 Reporting

Date: Thursday 21 January 2021

The Small Listed Companies Group hosted a webinar in partnership with Design Portfolio to explore practical implementation measures, examples of best practice and Section 172 reporting trends.

You can acces the presentation slides here.

A recording of the webinar is available here.

Effective Board Evaluations for Smaller Listed Companies

Date: Wednesday 15 July 2020

Our Small Listed Companies Special Interest Group hosted a webinar, in partnership with Lintstock  to explore practical measures for conducting an effective internal board review within a smaller listed company.

You can access the presentation slides here.

5 Questions to Help Leaders Take Difficult Decisions Well

Date: Wednesday 27 May 2020

Our Small Listed Companies Special Interest Group hosted a webinar, in partnership with Board Intelligence, to explore what boards of smaller listed companies can do to optimise decision making, particularly in these challenging times.

Is the immediate future any more uncertain than it was in January? Or back in January, were we just kidding ourselves that we had things under control? And today, what’s changed is our viewpoint — our very human desire for certainty has been given a big slap in the face. Given this context, what does it mean for Governance professionals, Chairman and executives; in particular, how they make decisions?

We shared five questions to give you and your board greater confidence in making some very difficult decisions well. Doing the next right thing becomes much easier when you can take comfort that your decision — with limited information and necessary haste — was well considered.

You can view the recording and presentation slides on our partner Board Intelligence's site here

Shareholder Activism in Small Listed Companies

Date: Wednesday 22 January 2020

Shareholder activism in the UK during 2018 set records for the number of campaigns launched and for the success of these initiatives. This session looked over the lessons of the 2019 AGM season and forecast what we can expect to see for small listed companies in 2020.

At this event, we looked over the impact of shareholder activism specifically in small listed companies and how boards can and should respond.

We covered regulatory changes that have given power to activists including:

  • Stricter investors’ voting policies
  • Changes to regulatory and advisory frameworks such as the QCA guidelines.

This session will help you to:

  • Understand the impact of recent shareholder activism
  • Proactively develop steps your board can take to avoid activist attention
  • Shape a response to shareholder activism at your company

You can view the presentation slides here.


KPMG: Executive Remuneration in Small Listed Companies

Date: Monday 7 October 2019

Drawing upon reports published by KPMG Board Leadership Centre reviewing executive and non-executive remuneration in AIM and small cap companies, this session explored the trends and issues that shape pay and performance-related incentives in these businesses. As well as looking at key takeaways from this year's AGM season, our speakers also discussed what regulatory and reporting changes and challenges lie ahead.

View the presentation slides here.

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