Genius Boards

Knowledge Hub sponsor

Board & Governance Evaluation Experience

Genius has delivered Board Evaluations to a wide range of industries, including financial services, healthcare, premium and fast moving consumer goods, insurance, mutual, investment trusts, housing trusts, government owned entities as well as family, private and AIM and FTSE 100 and 250 listed companies.

Today, Boards of companies of all sizes and industries are required to consider many stakeholders differently in terms of best practice and as defined by the UK Corporate Governance Code, industry Codes and S172 of the Companies Act 2006. We consider all stakeholder engagement and application of new requirements from Regulators around climate change, consideration for people and planet and putting the customer at the heart of the business.

Governance Structure Experience

Genius has experience working with many governance structures from all NEDs, to majority NED, balanced NED and Executive or majority Executive Boards.

Benefits gained by the Customer

We evidence and identify defined improvements in board effectiveness, which includes performance of individuals, performance of Committees, competences of Chairmen, culture of the Board, integrity and ethics of the leadership.

We assess effectiveness of succession planning, Board refresh plans, process of NED appointment effectiveness and skills assessment processes to define attributes and capabilities required from future appointments.

Any areas relevant to stakeholders, transformation, culture and ethics, leadership, governance, accountability and communications, both internal and external are reviewed and considerations fed back. We consider the role of the Chief Executive and the Executive Team in terms of their view of and engagement with Board.

Some changes materialise immediately whilst others deliver over time. For example, the mindfulness of a Director’s self-improvement relative to the whole team, versus governance plan recommendations that require debate, roll out plans and review.

Within the engagement, Genius gains more information than just Board effectiveness issues which are fed back to the organisation appropriately outside of the Board Evaluation report. Best practice, new governance trends and stakeholder expectations will be advised to the Board and covered in the feedback conversations and presentations.

Join us

We are looking forward to welcoming you to the 2021 Annual Conference.

Be sure to mark your calendar and join us on 5 - 7 July 2021.

If you need any help, please contact the events team or call on: +44 (0)20 7580 4741.