
Wayne Atkinson, Partner, Collas Crill LLP

Wayne Atkinson is head of the Guernsey Corporate, Finance and Funds team at Collas Crill. Wayne works with a broad range of regulated entities and investment funds on fundraising, transaction and investment structuring, commercial contracts and mergers and acquisitions. As one of the leaders of Collas Crill's risk and regulatory team he also regularly advises businesses on regulatory compliance including money-laundering issues, listing rules requirements, competition law, data protection and Guernsey financial services regulation more generally. In recent years Wayne has combined his legal and regulatory knowledge with his life-long interest in environmental and sustainability matters to advise a number of clients on environmental issues and impact investment structures. Wayne is also a member of the Guernsey Green Finance Working Party.

Wayne Bulpitt CBE, Joint Chair, Aspida Group Limited

Wayne Bulpitt founded the Active Group Limited in 2002, now Aspida Group, following its merger with Optimus in 2019, and has over 35 years’ experience of business leadership in banking and investment administration services.

In 1998 this experience was to prove crucial for the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC). As Director of the Offshore Investment Services, Global Private Banking & Trust Division, he led on the restructuring and delivery of its investment management services outside of North America.

Wayne is a passionate supporter of philanthropy and volunteering, especially in the support and development of young people. He was at the centre of the strategic leadership of the Scout Movement in the UK, which culminated in 2009 with his appointment as the first UK Chief Commissioner, and in September 2016 as a Vice President of the Movement.

In addition, Wayne has been influential in the wider community and currently chairs The Diana Award. He is a trustee of UK Youth and Young Enterprise and is a member of the Prime Minister’s Champion Group on Dementia. He continues to be involved in a number of charities.

He was awarded a CBE in 2017 in recognition of his significant contributions to the community.

Jeremy Cross, Coach, Director and Author of The Good Governance Guide to Boardroom Dynamics

Jeremy is the syllabus creator and course textbook author of The Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland ‘Boardroom Dynamics’ Chartered qualification module. He is a board team coach and director of Bailiwick Consulting, a Jersey-based leadership consultancy. Over the past 20 years, he has worked globally with over 75 organisations, including Sainsbury’s, RBS, Nike, Lego, the NHS and the Government of Jersey, and has personally coached hundreds of senior leaders.

He is a regular speaker on board and leadership topics, having delivered a TED talk in 2014 in addition to a variety of CGIUKI national and regional conferences. He is a former visiting Faculty Member of Henley Business School, from where he also has a MBA and where he previously researched Board Evaluation.

Jeremy has a sporting background, having competed at Wimbledon qualifying, represented England at age group level and having won 21 Island Games medals. In 2009, he worked with the GB Men’s Hockey Team during the team’s first ever win at the European Championships.

Susie Crowder, Director, Human Capital, Grant Thornton Limited

Susie joined Grant Thornton in 2020 and heads the human capital advisory team, which offer a range services to stakeholders across the islands - culture, business strategy, human capital, board advisory and evaluation.

Susie has a wealth of board level human capital experience having worked for a range of blue chip companies. She also holds a number of non-executive directorships, and is the founding director of Bright Futures LBG, a new and innovative charitable institution aimed at changing the view of lifelong education and its importance in sustaining and growing the economy.

Sara Drake, Chief Executive, The Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland

Sara Drake became Chief Executive of the Institute in 2019.

Sara studied law at the University of Cambridge and has spent much of her career working in the media sector for both publishing and television companies and as a writers’ agent. In recent years she has worked with professional bodies in the built environment and construction sectors as managing director of the Homebuilders Federation and the Royal Town Planning Institute. She was appointed Chief Executive of the Association for Project Management in 2015, which was awarded a royal charter in 2016 and launched its new chartered standard for the profession in 2018. Sara is an Honorary Fellow of Kingston University, a board member of the Quality Assurance Agency and holds non-executive directorships in the private and charity sectors.

Emma Desprès, Yoga Teacher, Author and Founder, Beinspired Yoga

Emma Desprès is founder of Beinspired, which she established in 2006 with the aim of empowering individuals to embrace a more aligned and authentic version of who they truly are, helping them to realise their potential and live happier, healthier and more fulfilled and purposeful lives. Emma is passionate about many things, including helping the community through yoga Reiki, Ayurveda and writing, and raising consciousness for the sake of all humanity.

Phil Eyre, Founder, Leaders Consultancy

Phil Eyre is Leaders’ founder. He has an enthusiastic and inspiring style, drawing on his experience in business, academia and social sectors to help any leadership team to achieve phenomenal performance. Phil has significant expertise in sophisticated psychometrics and in the application of human data for individual, team and organisational success. He has trained with and been mentored by, global leaders in this field, notably Dr Chuck Coker in the US. Phil began his career in the UK offshore finance industry in 1994, working for a wealth management company, Canaccord Genuity Wealth International. Phil was head of the company's Guernsey division, with a staff of 120 and assets under management of £4.5billion before resigning from executive responsibilities in 2008. Since launching Leaders in 2017, Phil has worked with many senior executives and boards primarily in the Channel Islands and City of London. He regularly writes for a variety of business publications and is often invited to speak at events for institutions such as the IoD and the British Army. Phil works closely with clients on focussed projects and long-term retainers to raise leadership standards. He is a popular and inspiring educator and coach who, with the insights gained from psychometrics, is able to accurately detect the strengths and weaknesses in leadership teams and boards. Phil has served on the boards of various charities, ran the Guernsey hub of a national theology college, received accreditation as a pastor in the Baptist Union of Great Britain and is accredited in various motivation and behavioural techniques.

Lindsay Fox, Founder and Managing Director at Platinum Compliance (Guernsey) Limited

Lindsay Fox is the founder of Platinum Compliance and possesses over 34 years’ experience in the Guernsey financial services industry. Her strengths are in her knowledge and competence of compliance, corporate governance and anti-money laundering. She is passionate about adherence to regulations and has a thorough understanding of the needs of industry from a regulatory perspective.

Lindsay was awarded the International Diploma in Compliance (distinction) from the International Compliance Association (ICA). Her Diploma in Company Direction from the Institute of Directors has provided her with valuable insight into strategy and leadership. Other qualifications include the Certificate in Offshore Finance and Administration from the Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland, and SII Investment Administration Qualification (IAQ).

Lauren French, Investment Director, Ruffer LLP

After graduating from Oxford University, Lauren worked at JO Hambro Capital Management, assisting with the transition of James Hambro & Partners LLP. She joined Ruffer in 2010 and has since been in the Private Client Team, specialising in client and trustee relationships in the Channel Islands.

Lauren is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Securities & Investment.

Richard Hemans, CFO & Company Secretary, Blue Diamond Ltd

Richard is an experienced chartered accountant and chartered director, currently living and working in the Channel Islands.

He has been the Group Finance Director and Company Secretary of Blue Diamond Ltd, a leading garden centre operator in the UK and Channel Islands, since 2013. When he joined the business had 13 garden centres, employed just over 1,000 employees, and an annual turnover of £50m. Richard now oversees an annual turnover approaching £250m from 37 garden centres and nearly 4,000 employees.

Richard has significant experience in strategic planning, acquisitions, disposals, investment appraisal, performance management, equity and debt funding, corporate governance and stakeholder management.

Prior to his current role, he was Finance Director at Guernsey Post Ltd for 5 years.

Richard has three children and enjoys football, tennis, golf and reading.

Rachel Holdsworth, Private Client Investment Manager, Ruffer LLP

Rachel joined Ruffer in 2013 after graduating from Oxford University with a first class honours degree in biological sciences. She is in the Private Client Team and works with clients and trustees in the Channel Islands.

Rachel is a Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment.

Tom Lancaster-King FCG, Client Director, Carey

Tom was elected to CGIUKI Board in 2017 and is a member of the global institute’s International Council, having previously served as a regional branch chair. Tom is based in Guernsey where he has worked for over 20 years in a variety of governance roles in the investment fund industry.

Teresa Le Couteur FCG MSc, Chairperson of the Guernsey Branch, Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland

Teresa Le Couteur is Group Company Secretary for Northern Trust Guernsey and has personal responsibility for the governance function across Northern Trust Guernsey.

She has over 20 years of experience in the finance sector, and vast knowledge of offshore funds, trusts, company secretarial work, compliance and corporate governance within Guernsey and Jersey. She has managed client entities across other jurisdictions including the British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Cyprus, Delaware, France, Luxembourg, The Netherlands and the UK.

Teresa was named Company Secretary of the Year in 2020 at the Guernsey Awards of the Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland, is a Fellow of the Institute, and holds a Masters degree in Corporate Governance from Bournemouth University.

William Mason, Director General, Guernsey Financial Services Commission

William Mason has been the Director General (the senior executive) of the Guernsey Financial Services Commission since 2013. He is also a member of the Executive Committee of the International Association of Insurance Supervisors where he has previously chaired both the Audit and Risk Committee and the Standards Assessment Working Group.  He has a strong interest in Supervisory Technology and Green Finance.

Prior to joining the GFSC William was Head of Risk at the Central Bank of Ireland where he led work to renew Irish financial services supervision in the wake of the Irish banking collapse including work with the ECB planning Banking Union. Before moving to Ireland, William worked for the UK Financial Services Authority, joining shortly before the UK financial crisis. Whilst there he led teams supervising a range of credit institutions, insurers and investment firms throughout the financial crisis.

Prior to becoming a financial regulator, William worked at the UK Cabinet Office where he helped write “Regulation - Less is More, a report to the Prime Minister”. His other publications include: “Freedom for Public Services; The Costs of Regulation and PRISM Explained – Implementing Risk Based Supervision.” Earlier in his career William gained private sector experience working for an international energy firm on three continents and a US strategy house, Monitor Group.

Joanne Peacegood, Non-Executive Director, Danske Invest PCC Limited

Jo is a Non-Executive Director with over 20 years of experience in the investment management sector, including listed funds, alternative funds, third party service providers and asset managers. Prior to embarking on a career as a Non-Executive Director, Jo was an Audit Engagement Leader at PwC, and held a number of other leadership roles including risk & quality, controls assurance, and innovation & technology.

Jo now sits on the board of a range of entities including private equity, debt, equities, hedge, listed, utilities and asset managers. She has experience with entities regulated by the GFSC, FCA, JFSC and SEC.

Jo is a qualified Chartered Accountant, holds an Honours degree in Accounting and the IoD Diploma. She is the Chair of the Guernsey Investment & Fund Association Executive Committee, sits on the Guernsey International Business Association Council, is a member of the AIC Channel Islands Committee and also sits on the Cyber Partnership Forum (Guernsey).

Darren Seary CISSP, CISM, CRISC, Senior Vice President, Information Security and Technology Risk Management, Northern Trust

Darren Seary is the Regional Information Security Officer for the EMEA region and is based in London. He is part of the Information Security and Technology Risk Management department, which works to safeguard client and company information across Northern Trust’s global business.

Darren has 20 years of experience in information security and technology risk management within the financial services industry. Prior to joining Northern Trust, he held similar roles at Jefferies International Limited, Morgan Stanley, and Lloyds Banking Group.

Darren holds a MSc (First Class) in Information Security, and in 2012 received the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA) Worldwide Excellence Award.

Dr Andy Sloan, MD, Netherite & Grunweldt Advisory; IPCC Expert Reviewer; Chair, Obsidian Fund Services; NED, ESI Monitor.

Dr Andy Sloan is an expert reviewer on for the International Panel on Climate Change Assessment Round Six and established climate capital & risk consultancy, Netherite & Grunweldt Advisory in 2021 to meet the growing and urgent demand for climate risk services in the Channel Islands.

Dr Sloan established Guernsey’s green finance initiative in 2018 and was Guernsey’s representative at the United Nation’s Finance Centres for Sustainability Global Network for three years. He was also a member of the CityUK Green Group.

Dr Sloan was instrumental in developing the GSFC’s Guernsey Green Fund Regulatory Regime and the Guernsey International Insurance Association’s ESG Framework. An economist by trade, Dr Sloan was the GFSC’s Director of Financial Stability when the TCFD was first published. He is a regular media commentator on the issues faced by the investment sector financing and managing the transition to net zero.

He is also non-executive Chair of Obsidian Fund Services, a locally owned and managed fund administrator and non-executive Director of ESI Monitor, an environmental services company.

He was Deputy CEO at Guernsey Finance, responsible for developing Guernsey’s finance sector strategy, from 2018 to 2021. Prior to that he was Director of Financial Stability and International Policy Adviser at the Guernsey Financial Services Commission from 2014 – 2018. He was the Guernsey International Business Association’s first technical advisor and was States Economist and Head of Policy and Research at the States of Guernsey between 2008 and 2013.

He is a member of the IOD and the Institute of Risk. He was a member of the BVCA’s Channel Islands Working Group and the CityUK’s IRSG’s Regulatory Coherence Standing Committee from 2016 to 2021.

Ben Snook, Associate Director, Midshore Consulting Limited

Ben is Associate Director for Midshore Consulting Limited and has over 15 years’ experience in the financial services industry. Ben has a background in funds and has experience of various asset classes and structure types, including hedge funds, private equity and open-ended structures. Ben has previously acted as a director to a large US asset managers international wealth management platform domiciled in Guernsey. Ben has extensive knowledge of The International Stock Exchange (TISE) Listing Rules, various domestic and international rules and regulations that impact Guernsey. Ben is heavily involved with the sustainable finance and digital assets and blockchain technologies sectors in Guernsey. Prior to joining Midshore, Ben worked at TISE as a Senior Manager in the Listings Department and was a member of the Listings and Membership Committee, the TISE’s regulatory and supervisory committee. Ben helped setup and manage the TISE Sustainable segment and drafted house views covering areas such as cannabis, digital assets and blockchain technologies. Ben is a member of the Guernsey Investment & Funds Association (GIFA) Technical Sub Committee and leads the GIFA Blockchain Technologies and Digital Assets Working Group. Ben is the current Vice-President of the Guernsey Branch Committee of the Chartered Institute for Securities and Investments and is a member of the Guernsey Finance Green Finance Strategy Group. Ben is a Chartered Member of the CISI (Chartered MCSI) and holds the Islamic Finance Qualification, International Certificate in Wealth and Investment Management and the International Certificate in Advanced Wealth Management: Applied Financial Advice and Management.

Kirsty Wheadon, Director, Grant Thornton Limited

Kirsty heads the Business Advisory department in Guernsey, which offers a full range of services including audit, accounts production, fully outsourced finance functions, business plan development, cash flow projection, forensic work and valuation.

She is a mentor and coach and works with C-suite and senior leadership teams to overcome challenges, stretch themselves, develop new skills and grow their businesses.

Kirsty is a member of the Guernsey Society of Chartered and Certified Accountants (GSCCA) Education Committee.


Thursday 23 September 2021


09.00 - 16.40 BST


Guernsey, St Pierre Park hotel

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