Penny Wilson

Penny Wilson Speaker

Penny Wilson CEO

Getting on Board

Penny Wilson is CEO of charity Getting on Board.

Penny has helped numerous charities to develop their boards and is a leading advocate in making trusteeship more accessible.

Penny has always worked or volunteered in the charity sector. She started her career at the Association of Charity Shops (now the Charity Retail Association) and Barnet Voluntary Service Council, where she gained an understanding of and a passion for the unsung impact of smaller charities.

She was Head of Community Affairs at the University of Cambridge for several years, establishing partnerships with Cambridge charities, overseeing large community events and promoting volunteering by university students and staff.

She was then Director of Partnerships at The Brilliant Club, and CEO of Styleability, before she became CEO of Getting on Board.

Penny has been a trustee of several charities and is currently a trustee of the National Migraine Centre.

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We are looking forward to welcoming you to the 2022 Annual Conference. Be sure to mark your calendar and join us on 5 and 6 July 2022.

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+44 (0)20 7612 7034.