Governance Guernsey 2023: Resilience in Governance

Redwood Co Sec

Redwood Co Sec offers company secretarial, governance and corporate services to regulated, unregulated, listed and unlisted clients across several jurisdictions and industries. Our clients vary from small local businesses to publicly-listed and traded companies. We also provide named company secretarial roles and ad hoc, complementary support to existing administration teams. We deliver the highest quality of service, tailored specifically to our clients’ needs and we take pride in seamlessly integrating with client personnel and systems while offering a truly independent perspective to your business. We focus on providing quality, independent company secretarial, governance and compliance work – it’s what we do best. However, we work alongside a network of trusted providers who we can recommend for directorships, accounting or tax services if these are part of your business requirements.

Service links: Fund ServicesCompany SecretaryCompany FormationCorporate GovernanceProject Support

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