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Claire Lea

Claire Lea runs her own training consultancy, Charis Consultants Ltd, delivering bespoke training for foundation trusts and aspiring NHS Trusts. She is the non-executive director for the George Eliot Hospital NHS Trust and an associate of the Good Governance Institute. An Associate member of the Chartered Governance Institute, Claire previously wrote the Health Service Governance study text for the Chartered Governance Institute CGQP programme.

Other books by this author

Health Service Governance

Health Service Governance

Author: Claire Lea
Price: £44.95 | July 2021
ISBN: 9781860728259

Designed for those on the journey to becoming a Chartered Secretary or Governance Professional, ICSA’s Health Service Governance study text provides the knowledge and skills necessary to act as an adviser to governing bodies across the NHS in England. This includes developing good governance practices for all obligations of NHS organisations in England, covering not only legal duties, but also applicable and recommended standards of best practice.

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Health Service Governance Handbook, 3rd edition

Health Service Governance Handbook, 3rd edition

Author: Claire Lea
Price: £59.95 | April 2019
ISBN: 9781860727719

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