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Rob Robson

Dr Rob Robson is a Principal Lecturer at the University of Greenwich Business School and a management development consultant. He has been a member of the Chartered Governance Institute for over 30 years. Through his company, TMF, he specialises in the design & delivery of a range of seminars and training courses tailored to the needs of both large corporations and small businesses.

Other books by this author

Effective Minute Taking, 2nd edition

Effective Minute Taking, 2nd edition

Authors: Rob Robson, Philip Davis
Price: £29.95 | June 2018
ISBN: 9781860727290

People frequently find themselves called upon to take minutes, with little guidance on how they are expected to produce an accurate record of what took place. Ambiguous agreements, a vague agenda, interruptions, and a poor chairperson are just some of the factors that can make this a daunting task. This book will provide practical guidelines for overcoming the problems faced by minute takers and achieving accuracy in the minute-taking process.

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