Press Release

Charities under the microscope at The Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland talk

Isle of Man

With the passing into law of the Charities Registration and Regulation Act 2019, many charities on the Isle of Man are taking stock of what they do, how they are governed and what the future may bring. The Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland is holding a lunchtime talk, therefore, aimed at those working in the charity sector in the Isle of Man and also those working in the field of governance in general.

Taking place at The Claremont Hotel in Douglas on 12 November, Peter Cannell, Advocate and Chartered Governance Professional at Quinn Legal will deliver a talk on what “charities” are and the importance of good governance to charities operating today, especially in the context of the passing of the Act. He will finish with some future gazing as to what challenges the charity sector may face in the future.

Peter says: “Recently, “charity” has got a bad name, with stories of abuse of service users, aggressive fundraising techniques and apparent disregard of data protection. However, charity is a fundamental part of our civil society, with supporters and volunteers going the extra mile to make a difference. It is a major part of Island life, from the RNLI through to many small charities working hard behind the scenes to make our Island a better place. I am a passionate believer in the benefits to society of a vibrant charity sector, hence the reason I am giving this talk.”

The ‘Charities: What are they good for?’ talk is free for CGIUKI members and costs £10 for non-members. It will run from 12.30 until 13.30. Bookings can be made via Eventbrite.   

“Peter, who is both an Advocate and a Chartered Governance Professional, has worked in the third sector and advised charities throughout his life. Before returning to the Isle of Man in 1995, Peter was the full-time (unpaid) group Company Secretary for Operation Mobilisation UK, a major UK charity. Peter is a sought-after speaker who is passionate about the subjects he talks on. We are delighted, therefore, that he has agreed to speak to members and students on such an interesting and topical subject,” says Christopher Bolt, Isle of Man Branch Chair.

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For further information, please contact Chris Bolt, The Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland - Isle of Man Branch Chair:

[email protected]


+44 (0)20 7580 4741

Notes to Editors:

  1. The Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland is the qualifying and membership body for governance with over 125 years’ experience of educating and supporting governance professionals. With a Royal Charter purpose of leading ‘effective and efficient governance and administration of commerce, industry and public affairs’, we provide professional development, guidance and thought leadership, and work with regulators and policy makers to champion high standards. Website:
  2. The Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland - Isle of Man branch was established in the early 1980s to represent the interests of members and students living and working on the island. Chartered status is conferred on those with sufficient and relevant experience who have passed the Chartered Secretaries Qualifying Programme or an Accredited Master’s Degree. For those looking for a successful career in the offshore financial services sector, The Chartered Governance Institute offers a suite of qualifications in International Finance and Administration. Website: