Press Release

International governance body establishes branch in Ghana

London, 12 March 2020

The Chartered Governance Institute has today announced the establishment of a branch in Ghana and the election of PwC Manager George Coleman as Chair of the newly formed branch. Ruthy Amakie Strauss-Ashiaby and Josephine Etse have also been appointed to the branch committee as branch secretary and treasurer respectively.

Speaking after his recent election, George Coleman said:

“I am delighted that The Chartered Governance Institute has established a branch in Ghana as the governance professionals who are making such a vital difference to our economy will now have the backing of an internationally renowned governance body to support them in their work and studies. Good governance plays a crucial role in helping to stabilise the economy and ensure the long-term success of local businesses and other organisations. The Institute’s members play a vital role in this, acting as trusted advisors to the board and ensuring that companies act lawfully, ethically and in the best interests of the economy as a whole.

“I am honoured to have been chosen to represent the interests of members and students living and working in Ghana, particularly at a time when governance is recognised worldwide for the positive change that it can bring about in the various sectors of the economy. I am extremely lucky to have the professional expertise of Ruthy and Josephine to draw upon as we seek to embed the good governance practices that drive success."

The new branch offers administrative support for students who live in the region, as well as providing a hub for advice on governance issues and a network for governance experts.

The branch committee comprises the following individuals:

  • Branch Chair: George Coleman, a Fellow of the Institute (FCG) who also holds a Master of Science in Financial and Legal Management from the University of West London
  • Secretary: Ruthy Amakie Strauss-Ashiaby, a graduate of the Institute’s Masters programme at the University of Portsmouth
  • Treasurer: Josephine Etse, an Associate of the Institute (ACG) who also holds a Master of Science in Financial and Legal Management from the University of West London.

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For further information, please contact George Coleman, Branch Chair:

[email protected]
+233 (0)20 1324 839


+44 (0)20 7580 4741