The Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland - East Midlands

East Midlands

Get to know the East Midlands committee

Meet the team

The Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland maintains a presence in the East Midlands through its local branch committee. The local branch strives to enhance the presence of the Institute within Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire, Lincolnshire, Leicestershire and Northamptonshire, to support members and students throughout their careers and study programmes, as qualified or aspiring governance professionals. If you are interested in joining the committee, please contact us.

Meet your branch committee

Siobhan Goddin FCG, East Midlands Branch Chair

Siobhan Goggin FCG, Branch Chair

Siobhan MBA, FCG, FHEA, Cert Ed is Head of the Department of Accountancy, Finance and Economics at the University of Lincoln where many of the Branch activities were held until recently. She joined as a member of the Institute in 1987. Siobhan has been a career academic except for a brief spell with HMRC. She gained an MBA at The University of Manchester in a joint initiative with the University of Wales.

Siobhan has been Chair of the East Midlands Branch since its inception in September 2017 and was motivated to start the branch as there had been no existing branch in the East Midlands for many years. This coincided with the development and subsequent launch of the MSc Governance with Grad CGI programme at the University of Lincoln (September 2018) which Siobhan helped initiate.

Professor Jeffrey Ridley FCG, East Midlands Branch Vice-Chair

Professor Jeffrey Ridley FCG, East Midlands Branch Vice-Chair

Professor Jeffrey Ridley FCG FIIA CIA has been a member of the Institute since 1967 and is a past member and chairman of the Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Branch in the 1980s early 1990s.

He is currently a retired member but still active in academia as a researcher and as a consultant and writer on all aspects of corporate governance. He has visiting chairs at the London South Bank University, Birmingham City University and University of Lincoln. His latest book Creative and Innovative Auditing (2018) is published by Routledge

Jane Powell, East Midlands Branch Secretary

Jane Powell, Branch Secretary

Jane is Company Secretary of Lincolnshire Co-operative Ltd and heads up the legal function. She qualified as a solicitor in 1986 after studying law at the London School of Economics. She initially worked in private practice specializing in commercial property and general commercial matters. Having moved in house she joined Plymouth Co-operative as deputy company secretary and then came to Lincolnshire to take up her current role in 2005. She gained an MBA from the University of Warwick in 2005 studying part-time, subsequently qualifying as a chartered secretary and is now a fellow of the Governance Institute.

Jane is Chair of Co-operatives East Midlands, a member of the corporate governance expert reference panel of Co-operatives UK, Chair of the JR Halkes Trust, a trustee of the Lincoln Diocesan Trust and Board of Finance Limited and Secretary of the East Midlands branch of the Governance Institute.

Committee Members

  • Chris Pierce
  • Jane Powell
  • Claire Taylor
  • Simon Martin

Governance North conference, on Tuesday 1 October 2024 at Aspire, Leeds

Contact the East Midlands branch

For membership and study enquiries please contact the student and membership team:

For branch support and event queries please contact the branch support team:

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