The Chartered Governance Institute - North East

North East of England

Find out more about your local branch

Welcome to the North East branch

We support Institute members and students in the North East of England. We are volunteers who work together with the team at the Institute to provide free and low cost CPD activities, local networking opportunities and activities which raise the Institute’s profile.

Free subscribers and non-members who would like to learn more about the Institute are also welcome to join us. Our branch committee meets regularly to plan events and discuss new areas of activity. If you would like to make a suggestion of what you’d like us to focus on in the coming months, or are interested in finding out more about what the committee does, please get in touch.

Update from the North East Branch

On Thursday 21 October 2021 the North East CGI Branch held its inaugural coffee meet up. Members and non members attended and had a friendly chat which covered a range of topics, such as working from home, the difference between in-house and private work as well as career development, progression and taking the next step. In January we plan to hold a virtual event looking at topical governance matters, with a focus on Diversity & Inclusion and welcome all members, non members, students, contacts and colleagues to attend.  Watch out for the email containing further details in the next few weeks and we hope to see you there.


North East branch committee

Governance North conference, on Tuesday 1 October 2024 at Aspire, Leeds

Contact the North East branch

For membership and study enquiries please contact the student and membership team:

For branch support and event queries please contact the branch support team

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