The Competency Framework for Governance Professionals

The updated Competency Framework for Governance Professionals is a practical tool for individuals, teams, employers and recruiters.

The Competency Framework

The role of the company secretary or governance professional is one of constant adaptation. Effective company secretaries and governance professionals enable boards to set and achieve the strategic goals of their organisations. To do this they require specialised knowledge combined with strong values and emotional intelligence, alongside the ability to apply understanding within the context of the organisation and its wider operating environment. It follows that those working in governance roles must continually advance and expand their skills. To support this lifelong learning, CGIUKI has launched the new Competency Framework for Governance Professionals.

The Competency Framework identifies the core requirements of a governance role centred on the functions of the company secretary or governance professional while also incorporating aligned functions in the governance environment.

The framework lists twelve competencies across three areas – knowledge, values and practice – outlining the behaviours that company secretaries and governance professionals should be demonstrating at each stage of their career – defined using our proficiency levels. The framework is supported by an assessment tool to recognise existing relevant competencies and complete a gap analysis to understand any areas for development. This can be used by company secretaries and governance professionals – individually or as teams – or as part of performance reviews and appraisals.

What has changed?

The feedback we received made it clear that moving from print to a digital version of the Competency Framework was essential. We were thrilled to hear from one user that they loved ‘the ease with which you can navigate the whole framework.’

We have included key information on topics such as organisational culture and emotional intelligence to make the Competency Framework more applicable to a wider range of company secretaries and governance professionals at all career stages, as well as to employers and recruiters. A range of resources that will support company secretaries and governance professionals in their career development is also available.

A practical tool

We have created an online assessment tool for members, employers and our university and training partners to assess themselves, their teams and their future employees. The assessment tool enables them to map and action their developmental journeys.

The assessment tool will identify what level you are at – from entry to expert – in a range of different competencies. When commenting on the Competency Framework one contributor remarked that, ‘It is a welcome tool for benchmarking one’s professional growth.’ The Competency Framework can also be used:

  • during performance reviews and appraisals to facilitate conversations between individuals and their line managers about where their strengths and weaknesses lie and how these can be addressed through training and support
  • by recruiters to identify or define the ideal candidate for a role
  • by international CGIUKI branches to provide a standardised tool for the assessment of governance professionals worldwide
  • by those looking to move into a governance role from a different career, to map their existing skills, knowledge and practice.

Where can I find the Competency Framework?

The Competency Framework for Governance Professionals is online now.

Didi Ogede, Research and Insight Lead at The Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland

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