About Us
The Northern Ireland branch was established in 1934 and comprises members who work in the private, public and voluntary and community sectors. The branch promotes the highest standards in Chartered Secretaryship and represents and supports the profession. In furtherance of this objective, the branch committee organises a mixture of professional and social events which take place throughout the year.
The branch has a close relationship with the University of Ulster. Students who successfully complete the Postgraduate Diploma/MSc in Management and Corporate Governance can become graduate members of the Institute.
The committee encourages all members to attend events and assures new members of a warm welcome.
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Meet the team
Anthony Irvine
Hugh Ó Dreáin
Josh Finlay
Holly Tierney
Krupa Balakrishna
James Fennings
Geoffrey Jordan
Adrian Kelly
Contact the NI branch
For membership and study enquiries please contact the student and membership team:
For branch support and event queries please contact the branch support team: