Membership Concessionary Rate Policy

Policy Statement

The Chartered Governance Institute is committed to supporting members and students with the payment of their annual membership fee in certain circumstances where they are not working. This policy sets out the criteria, requirements, eligibility and the application process for members and students who wish to apply for a concessionary rate of membership fee. 

1. Criteria

A member or student may apply for a concessionary membership rate for a period of one year, if they are not working due to:

  • Maternity leave (including paternity and adoption leave) and career break
  • Unemployment
  • Long-term sickness
  • Hardship 

2. Requirements 

Relevant evidence will be required to support the application.  Members wishing to remain on the concessionary rate for a second year will need to confirm that their circumstances have not changed and may be asked to supply evidence if the Institute determine that this is required.

3. Eligibility

The following categories of member may apply for a concessionary membership rate: students, affiliated, graduates, associates, and fellows. The concession eligibility criteria are as follows:

To be eligible to apply for a concessionary rate, members and students must be in membership for a minimum of one year and must not be available for work for a minimum of one year.  Members and students in this category are eligible to remain on the concessionary rate for a maximum period of up to two years.

Evidence required - MATB1 certificate for maternity leave

To be eligible to apply for a concessionary rate, members and students must be in membership for a minimum of one year and must not be in work, full or part time, but actively seeking employment i.e. not on a career break.  Members and students in this category are eligible to remain on the concessionary rate for a maximum period of up to two years.

Evidence required – P45

To be eligible to apply for a concessionary rate, members and students must be in membership for a minimum of one year and must be unable to work due to ill-health.  Members and students in this category are eligible to remain on the concessionary rate for maximum period of up to two years.

Evidence required – Medical note

The Chartered Secretaries’ Charitable Trust can consider a request to make payment of your membership subscription if you are suffering from hardship.  Please note that students must be in membership for a minimum of two years (Chartered Secretaries' Charitable Trust eligibility criteria); there is no time stipulations for members.  Each successful application will be reviewed on an annual basis by the Trust.

Potential applicants are asked to refer to the grant aid policy.

Evidence required – As may be determined by the Chartered Secretaries' Charitable Trust.

4. Continuous Professional Development (CPD) 

All members on the concessionary rate will be given a 100% exemption from the mandated CPD requirement.  However, the advantages of continuing with their professional development to maintain their skills and competencies is emphasised.  The CPD online log will still be open to members on the concessionary rate.

5. Rate of concessionary membership fee 

The concessionary rate for members and students in the United Kingdom and overseas will be a reduced annual membership fee as determined by the Institute on an annual basis, in line with the annual review of membership fees.


6. How to apply 

Members and students who wish to apply for a membership fee concessionary rate should contact us providing the required evidence. 

In cases where an application is being made on hardship grounds the application should be made directly to the Chartered Secretaries Charitable Trust at [email protected] or by calling 020 7612 7048 / 7049

7. Membership status

Being on the concessionary rate does not affect an individual’s membership status, rights, and obligations.

8. Commencement date

This policy is effective from 1 June 2020 and will be reviewed annually thereafter.