Planning your time
Studying our qualifications requires a proper study plan, starting well before the final exams and with effective methods of self assessment in relation to progress.
Time is your greatest resource, so you do need to adopt good strategies to use your time allotted for study wisely. A good start is to schedule specific times for your weekly study.
A weekly schedule
Once you have decided that it is time to begin serious study, you need to sit down and work out a weekly timetable, taking into account all your other work and family commitments. Draw out the timetable, blocking in the time you will have for study and revision. Be realistic, and don’t over-commit yourself.
Your study goals should always be SMART: Specific, Manageable, Attainable, Relevant and Timely.
You will need to check the recommended number of study hours for this qualification and allow time for revision before the exam. Below is an example planner for you to download and adapt for the module you are studying.
Example study planner for Certificate in Corporate Governance