Find an apprenticeship

Governance Officer Apprenticeship vacancies are advertised on the CGIUKI Jobs Board:

Jobs in Governance

Another way to find an apprenticeship is to reach out directly to a company that you'd like to work with, to see if there are any opportunities available. Provide an up-to-date CV and a covering letter stating why you are interested in working for them. As the governance officer apprenticeship is new in 2023, they may not have heard about the opportunity yet, so tell them why this career route interests you too. It may persuade them to take you on as their first apprentice!

Are you an employer wanting to advertise an Apprenticeship vacancy?

If you're an employer and you'd like to advertise a governance officer apprenticeship vacancy on our Jobs board, please get in touch via the contact details at the bottom of this page and state that it is an Apprenticeship vacancy to be eligible for a free advertisement.

Jobs in Governance

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