Introduction to Company Law

A one-day introduction to company law and its application to everyday business


The course will start at 9:00 and finish at 17:00. Time has been given for breaks throughout the day. Start and finish times are subject to change.

Please expand the dropdown to see the course programme timetable and highlights.

Network and introductions

What is a company?

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  • Key features of a company
  • Sources of company law (CA 2006, case law, constitution)
  • Types of company
  • The company as a separate legal person
  • The concept of limited liability
  • Case study: Salomon vs A Salomon & Co Ltd

Company formation

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  • Documentation and information requirements
  • Forming a company Vs acquiring a shelf company

Company constitution

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  • The meaning of ‘constitution’
  • Articles of association (overview of contents, amendments, enforcement)

The Board - Part One

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  • Role of directors
  • Appointment / Removal of directors

The Board - Part Two

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  • Directors duties
  • Board decisions
  • Role of company secretary


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  • Roles of shareholders
  • Shareholder decisions – written resolutions, general meetings

Share and capital maintenance

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  • Allotting shares
  • Pre-emption rights
  • Capital maintenance doctrine

Winding up

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  • Administration
  • Voluntary winding up
  • Compulsory winding up


Upcoming dates to be confirmed

If you need any further assistance or advice, please call +44 (0)20 7580 4741 or contact us

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