Online exam instructions
View Frequently-asked questions for the exam session. If you have a question which is not answered here, please write to us at [email protected] and we will consider adding it.
Time zone charts
These how-to videos will help you to use some important functions in the exam platform:
Revised Instructions for online examinations will be added here shortly.
Reasonable Adjustments
The process by which you submit a request for adjustments on the basis of medical or long-term conditions is set out in the Reasonable Adjustments and Extenuating Circumstances Policy. If you read the guidance there and think we should consider making adjustments for you in your exam, please contact the learning and assessments team at [email protected]
Changing your exam booking
The Institute offers a postponement service for students with a medical or close bereavement. You will be required to provide some kind of documentation (e.g. medical note or notice of bereavement). Kindly note there is a postponement fee of which can be paid later on. Your exam will be moved to the next available session.
Alternatively, you can withdraw from the exam. The exam fee will not be returned, so you will have to pay a re-sit fee in the next session. The exam will not count as an attempt against your student record.
Please contact [email protected] for more information.