Our Company Secretary’s Checklists: Ireland is a comprehensive A-Z guide to the day-to-day tasks of company secretaries in Ireland. Based on our best-selling Company Secretary’s Checklists, this book has been rewritten throughout to cover Irish company law and practice.
Featuring a clear step-by-step approach, the checklists within guide the reader through all manner of company secretarial tasks, including the appointment and removal of auditors, organising an annual general meeting and the creation and filing of financial statements.

Published: April 2018 | ISBN: 9781860726934
Author: William Fry
The text is written to be fully in line with the Irish Companies Act 2014, and includes cross-references to relevant legislation and regulation in Irish law. The Checklists are also accompanied by additional notes which give prompts for further action, and a web directory provides links to a range of useful resources containing further guidance and advice.
- A clear A-Z aide for anyone tasked with company secretarial duties
- Ideal for smaller companies which need to comply with the law but do not have a company secretary
- Additional notes underpin the checklists by providing prompts for further action
- Each checklist is cross-referenced to the appropriate legislation or regulation
- Includes a website directory for further guidance and advice including government departments and professional bodies.