People frequently find themselves called upon to take minutes, with little guidance on how they are expected to produce an accurate record of what took place. Ambiguous agreements, a vague agenda, interruptions, and a poor chairperson are just some of the factors that can make this a daunting task.
Effective Minute Taking is a comprehensive, yet accessible book, which provides practical guidelines for overcoming most of the problems faced by minute takers and achieving accuracy in the minute taking process. That process includes not just the note-taking phase and the writing up of the final minutes, but all the activities surrounding these key phases which are essential for a successful outcome.

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Published: June 2018 | ISBN: 9781860727290
Authors: Rob Robson, Philip Davis
1. The purpose of minutes and the legal requirements
2. The role of the minute-taker and its challenges
3. Meetings: Types, purpose and structure
4. Understanding the role of the chairperson
5. Developing a strategy for effective note-taking
6. The agenda
7. The importance of personal preparation
8. Effective note-taking
9. Transforming notes into minutes
10. Structure, style and layout
11. Technology and the minute-taking process
12. Communication skills and the minute-taker
13. Personal qualities of the proactive minute-taker
14. Personal skills development