Please note, this is the study text for the June 2024 and November 2024 exam sessions.
All modules are published in the new digital format as PDF downloads. Study materials will not be available in print format.
Designed for those on the journey to becoming a Chartered Governance Professional, our Interpreting Financial and Accounting Information study text provides you with knowledge required to interpret financial information in order to advise boards and decision-making bodies.
It covers the need for financial reporting; how to interpret statements and reports; sources of finance, with their risks and returns; capital structure and associated costs and analysis methods for financial decision making.
This study text details all you need to know. It contains:
- worked examples and ‘test yourself’ questions with full, worked answers
- case studies and ‘stop and yhink’ scenarios to help you apply your knowledge
- comprehensive chapter summaries to aid your revision
Find out how to register for The Chartered Governance Qualifying Programme.

Published: July 2021 | ISBN: 9781860728280
Authors: Numa Fudong, Chris Lang
Part one: The need to regulate financial reporting
1. The regulatory framework and the role of International Financial Reporting Standards
2. The Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting
Part two: Understanding and interpreting financial statements and reports
3. Presentation of single entity published financial statements
4. Other contents and features of published financial statements
5. Accounting policies based on IFRS
6. Financial reporting by groups of companies
7. Analysis of published financial statements
Part three: Sources of finance, their associated risks and returns
8. Working capital management
9. Sources of short-term finance
10. Financial markets and the identification of financing needs
Part four: The cost of capital and capital structure
12. The cost of capital and capital structure
13. Project appraisal techniques
14. Risk assessment in investment appraisal techniques
15. Company analysis and company valuation methods
Part five: Interpretation and evaluation of accounting and financial information
16. Interpretation and evaluation of accounting and financial information
Digital PDF - £44.95