Recorded Webinar

Notaries – What they do and what you should look out for when choosing one

In this webinar our panel of experienced notaries and governance professionals discussed the role and benefits of notaries, and how to minimise risk in your organisation

We covered topics such as:

  • An overview of the notarial function around the world and how notaries operate in England and Wales.
  • Risk assessment and risk management by notaries: sanctions, money laundering, terrorist financing and fraud.
  • Services provided by notaries in England and Wales.
  • The workflow for notarising a company power of attorney.
  • Apostilles and consular legalisation.
  • Getting added value from your chosen notary.

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Victoria is Immediate Past President of the UKRIAT Committee and qualified as a chartered secretary over 20 years ago. She has significant experience in listed companies and Victoria has been on the UKRIAT Committee since it was formed in 2014, having originally been elected to the Institute’s Council in 2013. Victoria currently sits on the Chartered Governance Institute International Council.

Emily specialises in Spanish and Italian language notarial work. She joined De Pinna in September 2014, qualifying as a Notary Public in 2018 and as a Scrivener Notary in 2019. In addition to her notarial work, Emily also established a relationship with De Pinna’s partner charity, The Passage.

Iain Ostrowski-Rogers is an internationally recognised specialist for his notarial work in relation to the countries of Central and Eastern Europe.  He qualified as a Scrivener Notary in 2000 and has been consulting with De Pinna since 2019. He is on the court of the Scriveners Company and acts as the Company’s Examinations Officer.  In addition, Iain is an academic consultant to the Notarial Practice Course at University College London, the course director of the Notarial Professional Course run by the Faculty of Notaries Public in Ireland and provides tuition in notarial practice and acts as an examiner in Hong Kong, Guernsey and Jersey.  Iain has committed his career to raising standards within the notarial profession in England and Wales and other jurisdictions with similar systems and leading by example as a dedicated Scrivener Notary.

Chelsea is a qualified Chartered Secretary with over 5 years’ professional services experience providing governance and entity management services. She is passionate about building relationships and delivering a high level of service through building strong relationships with clients and colleagues. Making change happen by always looking to improve processes and procedures, implementing technology to achieve this where possible.

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De Pinna Notaries is the largest firm of Scrivener Notaries in England and Wales and provides notarisation services to corporate and private clients around the world, working with both hard copy and electronic documents. The firm also offers translation and legislation services, verification for the purposes of The Register of Overseas Entities and acts as agents for service of legal process. De Pinna is the only firm of Scrivener Notaries in England and Wales to hold the ISO 27001 accreditation for information security management and third of the FTSE 100 companies trust the firm’s expert notaries to handle their documents safely. The firm is ideally placed to notarise, translate or legalise your documents quickly and efficiently for you. For more information, visit or email [email protected].