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Alison Dillon Kibirige

Other books by this author

Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance

Author: Alison Dillon Kibirige
Price: £44.95 | August 2021
ISBN: 9781860728242

Designed for those on the journey to becoming a Chartered Secretary or Governance Professional, ICSA’s Corporate Governance study text provides the knowledge and skills necessary for a company secretary or governance professional to act as chief adviser to the board and other stakeholders and as the facilitator for systematic application of good governance practices.

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Corporate Governance Unlocked

Corporate Governance Unlocked

Authors: Alison Dillon Kibirige, Winifred Tarinyeba Kiryabwire
Price: £19.95 | January 2019
ISBN: 9781860727214

Corporate Governance Unlocked serves to provide a succinct guide to the under-explored world of corporate governance. It aims to broaden your understanding of what corporate governance is, its evolution over time and how best practice can be applied in many different organisations and sectors globally.

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