The CGIUKI Accredited Employer Scheme recognises and rewards employers’ commitment to the highest standards of staff training and development for governance professionals. This will not only help to drive your business forward but also ensure your employees, who are CGIUKI members, students, and affiliates, have the right skill sets, ethics and competencies to fulfill their role to the highest standard.
Why become an accredited employer?
- Being a CGIUKI Accredited Employer will help you to recruit and retain the best people in the industry. You will be able to use the CGIUKI Accredited Employer logo on your website and email footers in recognition of your commitment to your staff training. You will be added to our directory of Accredited Employers on our website alongside other accredited employers
- You will be given access to CGIUKI’s Employers Hub which will host a range of relevant information for supporting our students, your employees.
- You will receive a 15% discount when advertising your vacancies on, and discounts for employees attending CGIUKI conferences and training.
- You will gain a single access to our digital G+C magazine.
- There may be potential opportunities for you to contribute to our magazine, website and/or branch events, in terms of providing blogs, case studies and speaker opportunities.
- We will provide you with a dedicated account manager.
Criteria for employer accreditation
To achieve accreditation you need to meet and be able to evidence the criteria listed below:
In this section we want you to tell us and evidence how you are supporting your employees to undertake our qualifications.
- who is eligible to study CGIUKI qualifications
- the process in place to apply internally to study CGIUKI qualifications
- the support available in terms of financial, time off for study and exams, any other resources available
- any time limit placed on completing the exams
- what happens if student withdraws or fails exam
- are there are any claw back arrangements if employee leaves the company during or shortly after completing study
- are there any progression/incentives given upon completion of CGIUKI exams including support to become an Associate.
This section asks you to go into more detail on how you are supporting your employees through the study process.
- support through the process of completing their CGIUKI student application
- mentor or senior member of staff to help with student’s learning and monitor their progress through the qualification
- students have access to CGIUKI online support materials
- students are given, where practical, the opportunity to ‘practice’ their learning within the work environment
In this section we’re looking for you to let us know how you support your employees both financially and with study time support.
- a minimum of 75% of study related costs are paid for by the employer
- paid time off to sit the examinations
- paid time off for study leave or to attend tuition classes
- at least one extra study leave day per paper funded in addition to attending tuition classes
- funding to attend CGIUKI events where the subject matter is relevant to the role
- annual membership fees to be paid by employer
In this section we are looking to see how you make additional learning resources available to your employees.
- intranet access to up-to-date articles
- able to study in the workplace outside of normal working hours
- access to CGIUKI’s suggested wider reading
- access to online research database
- actively encourage your employees who are CGIUKI members, students and affiliates to attend CGIUKI branch events and other relevant external events, supported bytime off work and funding to attend
- opportunities to learn and network within and outside the organisation
- attending client meetings
- peer networking and support groups
- use of social media to build contacts, gain new information and share knowledge
- strong culture of openness and accessibility
This section relates to how your support your employees with their professional development.
- annual review process to plan career development with regular progress reviews
- regular one-to-one meetings to demonstrate how progress against objectives is reviewed
- personal development plan in place
- opportunities exist for those studying to progress up and/or across the whole business
- clear and measurable objectives are set as part of the performance review process
- the individual clearly understands the overall objectives of the business and how their personal objectives contribute to the organisation’s success
- access to CGIUKI Competency Framework to monitor progress on proficiency levels
Use this section to explain how you support your employees once they are qualified and provide examples.
- Members are supported in identifying and developing appropriate activities to meet their CPD requirements as member (at least 20 hours of CPD activities in each 12 month period)
How to apply
Applying for the CGIUKI Accredited Employer scheme is free. To apply, download and complete the application form and submit it to [email protected] for assessment. You will need to provide evidence of how you meet these criteria including attaching your training and development or other relevant policies.