Below you will find answers to the membership questions we get asked the most at the Institute. If you have a question that you can't find the answer to, please use the contact form.

Membership Renewals

When does the membership year start?
When do I have to pay my membership fee by?
What happens if I miss the deadline?
How do I pay?
Can I switch to Direct Debit?
Is it possible to get a receipt for the payment of my membership subscription fee?
Can I pay my membership fee in installments?
How do I upgrade my membership?
I have forgotten my password for MyCG
Under what circumstances can I apply for the concessionary membership fee?
Last year I received a concessionary membership fee - do I have to apply for that again this year?
I have unfortunately lost my job and am not working at present, are you able to assist me with paying my membership subscription fee?
I am unable to pay my membership subscription fee in full can I have more time to pay?
I am now retired, is there a retired rate?
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