Below you will find answers to the questions we get asked the most at the Institute. If you have a question that you can't find the answer to, please use the contact form.
The new 12-month membership year gets underway on 1 August each year. The renewal invitation is due to be emailed at the end of June.
The new membership year gets underway on 1 August, so your renewal fee is due by 31 July. Prompt payment will ensure you continue receiving all membership benefits and services including the right to use your post nominals and chartered designations (as applicable).
Please ensure you renew your membership as quickly as possible as late payment may incur a re-admission fee. You can go online to renew at anytime or you can call the membership team on +44(0)20 7580 4741 to pay by card.
Please log-in to your MyCG member's portal to pay online. You can also set up an Annual Direct Debit via your MyCG for automated payments on 01 August each year.
This the easiest and quickest way to pay for your fees.
If your employer is paying for your annual subscription, you can download your Invoice from MyCG. Please make sure you tick 'invoice to my employer'.
If you hold a UK bank account then yes you can switch to Direct Debit. Please follow the prompts on your MyCG.
Yes, a receipt will be available in your MyCG dashboard upon completion of your payment.
Unfortunately not, we are not able to offer an instalment plan. However, if you are unemployed or unable to work because of an ongoing health condition, you may be eligible to apply for the concessionary rate. Please refer to our Concessionary rate policy as eligibility criteria applies.
Please click on the "forgotten your password" link on the login page. This will prompt you to enter your username. You will receive an email to your preferred address explaining how to reset your password.
The upgrade criteria can be found in MyCG . We can accept your upgrade application at any time.
Members who are not working due to long-term sickness or ill-health or are currently unemployed may be eligible to apply for the concessionary membership rate. The concessionary rate also applies to members who are on parental leave. Please refer to our Concessionary rate policy as eligibility criteria applies.
Yes. Any such concession is granted initially for one year only, and a member who has previously received a concession must apply again in the following year.
Each case is individually examined on its own merits. Please refer to our Concessionary rate policy as eligibility criteria applies.
Members may also be eligible for support from the Charitable Trust, for further details see here: Charitable Trust
Members who are not working due to unemployment may be eligible to apply for the concessionary membership rate. Please refer to our Concessionary rate policy as eligibility criteria applies. Please complete this form with details of your current circumstances so that we can advise you further. Alternatively, you can call us on +44 (0)20 7580 4741. Our office hours are Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm UK time.
Branches and regions
Your branch is determined by your home address. UK branches are aligned to Government Office regions and branch membership in the Crown Dependencies, Ireland and the Associated Territories is determined by your country or jurisdiction.
Your branch membership is displayed on your membership dashboard in MyCG.
Due to the challenges of North/South travel, members and students in Wales can participate in one of three branches in neighbouring regions, based upon their home address.
Members and students in North Wales will be part of the North West branch.
Members and students in Mid Wales will be part of the West Midlands branch.
Members and students in South Wales will be part of the South West branch.
There is no London branch as members who live in London have many opportunities to attend a broad range of events from the Institute and other organisations which are London based.
Members and students in London will become part of either the East of England or South East branches, depending upon their post code.
Many branches in the Associated Territories were expanded and now welcome members and students from neighbouring countries in their region that did not previously have a branch, as follows:
The Barbados branch includes members and students in Canada, St Lucia and St Vincent and The Grenadines.
The British Virgin Islands branch includes members and students in Anguilla, Antigua & Barbuda, the Bahamas, Bermuda, Montserrat, St Kitts and Nevis, Turks & Caicos Islands.
The Cayman Islands branch includes members and students from Belize and the USA.
The Trinidad & Tobago branch includes members and students from Colombia, Guyana and Granada.
The Ghana branch includes members and students from Cameroon, Gambia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone and St Helena.
The Uganda branch includes members and students from Botswana, Kenya, Rwanda, and Tanzania.
The Zambia branch includes members and students from Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Swaziland and Zimbabwe.
The Mauritius branch includes members and students from Madagascar, Reunion, Seychelles and South Africa.
The Sri Lanka branch includes members and students from Australia, Bangladesh, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Maldives, Myanmar, New Zealand, Pakistan, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam.
The Middle East and North Africa branch includes members and students from United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Brunei Darussalam, Cyprus, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey.
Many of our branches cover large areas, but with opportunities to hold both virtual and physical events throughout the geographical area, we are confident we can facilitate local connections and networks.
Additionally, branch events programmes will reflect local issues and speakers to make sure that their offer is highly relevant to their members’ needs and remains distinct from the digital and physical events programmes provided by the Institute.
All students and members receive information from their branch as part of our membership service. However, if you want to change this you can choose to opt-out of communications from branches in MyCG at any time.
Your branch membership is determined by your home address. If we have got it wrong, it may be because we do not have your most up-to-date details. You can fix this by logging onto MyCG to review and update your record.
If you have difficulties in updating your record or want to request a change your branch for another reason, please get in touch with us by email at [email protected].
The best way to find out more about your branch is to take part in one of its events. Details of what’s on will be shared with you by email and branch activities are also regularly featured in the branch newsletter.
You can also check your branch page on the Institute website or contact your local Committee by sending a message to [email protected].
If the event contains technical or professional development content, it will carry CPD hours that will count towards members’ annual CPD requirements. If the event is a purely social networking event, it will not be eligible for CPD recognition.
Branches are run by teams of volunteers with the support of a dedicated coordinator at the Institute. Many branches are organised by committees to share the task of curating events and building local partnerships and networks. Each committee has several different roles that you could get involved with – from chairing to minute-taking, events organising to marketing. Branches can also have a student champion in to ensure that student needs are actively met in branch activities.
On a more ad hoc basis you can also support your local branch in other ways. These include speaking at an event or arranging a speaker through your personal network, mentoring or building relationships with local Higher Education Institutes, employers, regulators or other professional bodies.
Absolutely. We actively encourage students to participate in their branches as it is a great way to build your network, connect with your peers and gain professional support at an early stage in your career. If you are unsure of where to start most branches have a Student Champion who can tell you more about what’s happening in your branch and how to get involved.
Continued Professional Development (CPD)
20 hours of CPD must be undertaken for chartered members. Of this total, a minimum of five hours must be formal CPD with the remaining 15 hours being a mix of formal or informal.
Members in public practice are required to complete 35 hours of CPD, 10 hours of which must be formal CPD.
The general rule is that the meeting should be formal in nature. It should involve a group of people working to a fixed agenda, and involve some element of learning for you.
You can log your CPD online using the CPD log in MyCG or alternatively by another method of your choosing.
You can opt to use an employer's CPD log, a CPD log used for another professional body or maintain your own personal record.
Regardless of the method you choose, you must be able to email a copy of the alternative log you are using if requested, as part of the Institute's monitoring process.
It is the member’s responsibility to ensure the CPD requirements are met in order to maintain professional membership. You may be asked for evidence at the end of the membership year.
Chartered members must complete their CPD within the current membership year (1 August - 31 July). All CPD declarations must be made no later than 31 July each year. Members in public practice must complete their 35 hours of CPD within 12 months of the date stated on their practicing certificate.
Yes, members can apply for either a full exemption from CPD or a reduction in their CPD requirement on a pro-rata basis should their circumstances meet the relevant eligibility criteria.
Members who are retired, unemployed or on parental leave for a period greater than eight months are typical examples of those who might be eligible for exemptions.
Should you feel that your circumstances meet the eligibility criteria to be exempt from undertaking CPD, please contact us.
Yes, the attendance or completion of many of our training courses, webinars and events will count towards your CPD requirement and the hours awarded for each course or event are stated on the website.
Yes, it is not mandatory for members to undertake CPD through CGIUKI training and events.
Members must however ensure that the CPD undertaken is relevant to the continuation of professional development as a governance professional in order for it to count towards their CPD requirement.
For members in public practice, the CPD year runs from the date stated on the practising certificate. Any CPD undertaken during the immediate past membership year, can be counted towards the 35 hours needed in your first year in Public Practice.
Members in public practice are required to complete the mandatory 35 hours of CPD within 12 months of the date on their practicing certificate.
Newly elected chartered members will not be required to undertake mandatory CPD until the next full year of membership.
Your best starting point when planning your CPD is to discuss the requirements with your employer.
If you are not already attending relevant meetings or events, then it may be possible to arrange with your employer for you to do so as part of your ongoing professional development.
If you are a registered student on the Chartered Governance Qualifying Programme, you can enter to sit the exams online by logging on to your student portal, MyCG, and clicking on ‘Enter for exams’.
You can enter to sit a maximum of 2 modules per session as explained in the student rules and regulations.
However, we advise that you read the module syllabus and understand what the module entails before making a decision on the number of exams you take per session.
As a suggestion, you could take one module at the start and see how that goes. If you pass and you feel you can handle the increased load, you can take a maximum of two exams at subsequent sessions.
Once you have entered for an exam, you will receive confirmation of your entry by email. You can also view your current entry in the ‘Exam entries’ section in your student portal MyCG.
If we need to make any specific arrangements with you, we will contact you directly.
The exam results for the June session are normally released in August and the results for the November session during February.
Your exam results will be emailed to you on the result release date and you can also view your results on MyCG under the ‘Manage my exams’ section.
You need to achieve an overall score of 50% to be awarded a pass. This means that you can fail one or more questions and still get a pass grade if your total score is over 50%.
In the ‘Manage my exams’ section in your student portal, MyCG, you can download the ‘Enquiries about exam results’ guidance, which sets out all your options.
Yes, in certain circumstances. Read our reasonable adjustment and extenuating circumstances policy and contact our Learning and Assessment team on [email protected] for more information.
Read the policy >
After the closing date, we can’t defer an exam.
We offer a postponement service for students with a medical or close bereavement reason. You will be required to provide some kind of documentation (e.g. medical note or notice of bereavement). There is a postponement fee which can be paid later on. Your exam will be moved to the next available session.
Alternatively, you can withdraw from the exam. The exam fee will not be returned, so you will have to pay a re-sit fee in the next session. The exam will not count as an attempt in your records.
Please contact [email protected] for more information.
You can sit the online exam anywhere which offers the right conditions. This should be a room with a computer you can type on and a secure and reliable WiFi connection. You will need to be in a quiet room seated alone. You are not permitted to have anyone else in the room with you.
Your exam has a set start and end time and you need to log into a portal to complete the exam under these set conditions. Your whole examination is observed remotely by an invigilator, using cameras and the technology included in the online examination platform (ROGO), which is being provided by Eintech.
The invigilator will be able to see what is happening on your computer screen and will also be observing you via webcam (face-on view) and a second camera using your phone or tablet (side-view). There is a chat function with the invigilator so they can step in if they notice anything going wrong, and so you can alert them to any problems.
You will need:
A computer which you can type on
An internet connection with a minimum speed of at least 6mbps
A webcam and a microphone – these may need to be connected externally
Unfortunately, we cannot allow you to connect a separate monitor to a laptop. This is because the invigilator is not able to check both screens. If you are using a laptop you will need to use the built-in screen only. You can connect a keyboard and/or mouse to a laptop so that you can type more comfortably.
To aid exam security, we also require you to have another camera in the room in the form of a phone/tablet positioned in an upright position to the side of your desk, this will need to be kept charged for the duration of the exam.
The second device needs the following features:
QR code reader and Google Chrome set as default browser (this may already be a feature of your camera app)
Ability to connect to Wi Fi
One of the required operating systems:
Android 8 or later
iOS 11 or later
You will not be able to take the exam if you do not have access to the relevant equipment.
An invigilator will be able to see what is happening on your computer screen and will also be observing you via webcam (face-on view) and a second camera using your phone or tablet (side-view). There is a chat function with the invigilator so they can step in if they notice anything going wrong, and so you can alert them to any problems.
Your exam will not start until you have an invigilator monitoring your exam and you have clicked ‘start’.
Please note that the invigilators are monitoring multiple students at once and may not respond immediately to any questions/comments typed in the chat box.
Yes, you will be sent a ROGO system test link, which can only be accessed once. We suggest that you use this link on the device you will be using for your live examination.
At the end of set-up, you will be invited to ‘start’ the exam and it will take you through to a welcome page, but then the test will end. If you reach this stage, then the access test has been successful. Please note that you do not have access to a test paper.
After you have completed the test, please clear your cookies before the actual exam. To clear cookies, in Google Chrome, go to Settings > Privacy and security > Clear browsing data > tick ‘Cookies and other site data’ > Clear data.
The examination portal saves your work throughout the exam and if you lose connection you will need to re-join using the same link and you will return to the same examination script.
Please note that you should use the navigation buttons on ROGO to move between questions to avoid losing any answers already typed.
We advise you to clear any cookies in your Google Chrome browser just before following the link to your exam. To clear cookies, in Google Chrome, go to Settings > Privacy and security > Clear browsing data > tick ‘Cookies and other site data’ > Clear data.
If you think you need extra time to make up for losing connection, please ask the invigilator if they can request this via the available chat function. In these circumstances, please make a clear and direct request for extra time (not to exceed time lost), briefly stating the reason and the time required e.g. “I lost connection, please can you add 10 minutes to my examination time?”
Do not open other tabs or browsers.
Yes, the visual and audio recordings from both cameras are recorded and retained by our partner Eintech for a six-month period, after which they are deleted. This is so that they can be reviewed if there are enquiries about results, appeals or other legitimate reasons to go back to review the session. The access would only be granted to senior members of the Education and Learning team, who may need to show it to Examination Board members for a decision.
The platform saves your work approximately every 30 seconds. If you notice that an answer has gone missing, advise your invigilator straight away so that we can retrieve any missing work. You can also submit an extenuating circumstance after the exam to flag this with us.
We have made the answer boxes as large as possible to accommodate answers incorporating financial information. The platform allows you to create tables, to underline and to insert special characters.
You will be allowed to use your own calculator but will not be able to use another device, such as a smart-watch or mobile phone as a calculator. You will also be asked to show the invigilator your calculator before you start the exam.
Please note any formula or tables that you need for the ‘Interpreting Financial and Accounting Information’ or other finance exams will now be included within the question so you will not need to print them off. You are expected to know the ratios.
Some modules have additional resources as part of the exam.
Students taking Corporate Governance (Level 6) will have access to the FRC website (
Students taking Company Law will have access to ( and British and Irish Legal Information Institute (
The links will be provided within the exam paper, so you do not need to have them open before you start your exam. Please note that the access to these links is for reference only, and it is recommended that you do not spend a lot of time during the exam on this site.
Yes, but you will need to decide whether to enable this.
You access the examination platform via Google Chrome and the spell-check is a function of the browser. It does not have all the functions it has in a program like Microsoft Word. If you have spell-check turned on within the browser it may show you words which it has detected as mis-spelt, but it will not allow for auto-correction.
Our markers will focus on the content of your answer, rather than the accuracy of grammar or spelling.
If you have any special requirements with regard to spell-check or other aspects of viewing and using the examination platform, let us know before the exam date.
Please be ready to begin your set up 10 - 15 minutes before the scheduled start time. Your actual exam will start only when you have completed the set-up and an invigilator has been assigned.
If your exam has a 15 minute reading time this will be already added to your time. This will begin at the start time and you will be able to read through questions, make notes (on paper or on the notes function) and plan answers. You should not start writing your answers until the 15 minute reading time is over. We will ask you to monitor your own 15 minute reading time as invigilators will not inform you when this is over.
Please note you are not allowed to use any part of the study texts in the examination.
Yes, we will continue to do this for the examinations at Part Two of the Qualifying Programme, as we did for the physical examinations. They will be published on the resources area of MyCG and on the examinations information page.
You will be allowed a clean printed copy and invigilators are aware of this. As part of the invigilator checks, you could be asked to hold it up to the camera to show that it is not annotated, highlighted or marked up in any other way.
If you need a break during the examination for any reason, you can let the invigilator know through the chat facility and should be aware of the following rules:
You should use the messaging facility to let the invigilator know you would like to leave, you do not need to wait for a response.
Your examination time will not be paused while you take a break.
You are expected to return as soon as you can, ideally this will be no longer than a few minutes.
If you know in advance that there is, for example, a medical reason for you to require a break during the exam, please let us know before the exam date.
Go to our Online Exams page on the website for more detailed information and guidance on the exams.
Visit Online Exams page >
We withhold your exam result if you have an outstanding balance.
If you have failed an exam it is important to know that you are not alone - many students on CGIUKI and other professional association examinations fail one or even a number of exams and then go on to reach their membership goals.
Log in to your MyCG portal
Click on ‘My Details’
Click on ‘My Invoices’
Log in to MyCG
Click 'My Exam Results'
Click 'View Results'
The submission can be made through the electronic form.
You will need the following:
Username: this will be the unique username you gave when you registered
Password: please type carefully and remember this field is case sensitive
Browser: please ensure you are using an up-to-date browser, as this can affect logging in. We recommend Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. If you are having issues logging in, we also recommend that you clear the cache in your browser.
Click on the reset password link and allow up to 24 hours for it to be delivered to your email address. The reset link will be sent to the email address we have on the system for you.
Please allow up to four hours for the reset link to reach you. In the meantime, please check your junk/spam folders. The reset link will be sent to the email that was used as part of your initial registration. If you have changed your email address, please call the team on +44 (0)207 580 4741 and we can manually reset your password and create you a new username.
Your username was set up when you first registered with us, so it is likely to be the unique username you used then.
If you do not have access to the email address you used when setting up your username, and you need to reset your password, the reset link will be sent there. Please give us a call on +44 (0)207 580 4741 and we will manually change your email for you.
Yes, you can do this in MyCG by going to My details > Manage my directory entry
It is our policy to charge for exemptions to cover related administration costs. Depending on your entry route, if exemptions, are awarded, you will be required to pay the exemption fees. Your exemptions will not be recorded until the required fees have been paid in full.
You must submit certified copies of any relevant degree certificates or certificates for other academic qualifications relevant to your application.
If you apply as a qualified lawyer or accountant with less than 5 years’ relevant experience, you must submit confirmation of your current membership with the relevant professional body or Bar Council or the equivalent in your jurisdiction.
Fast Track Professional entry route
If you are a qualified lawyer or accountant with more than 5 years’ relevant experience, you can apply for the Fast Track Professional entry route. You must submit confirmation of your current membership with the relevant professional body or Bar Council or equivalent in your jurisdiction. We will also need a copy of your current CV which should provide us with sufficient information of your knowledge and experience in the areas of: governance, risk management, company secretarial duties, financial management and law.
A notary public, your HR manager or a person with professional status (e.g. doctor, lawyer, accountant, teacher etc.).
Yes, if they are not in English they should be: translated by someone fluent in both languages, who is not related to the student and certified as an accurate translation of the original by the translator. Certified copies of both the original document and the translated document should be submitted to us.
We suggest that you start by choosing one module to study, so that you only take one exam at the first session. You will need to buy the accompanying study text book for the module you choose. The study texts are available in digital format from our book shop.
Yes, we strongly recommend you take tuition with one of our tuition partners. Following a course will provide structure and framework to your study, plus you will have access to a tutor. You will also be able to get practice work marked and receive feedback.
You should contact the tuition providers directly to confirm the costs.
Some of our tuition providers offer distance learning.
Training and Events
To make or retrieve a booking, you need to use your MyCG login details. If you are unable to log in, please reset your password using the ‘forgotten password’ link. The system will send you an automatic link to reset your password, which will expire after 15 minutes. If the link expires, you will need to use the 'forgotten password’ link and start the process again.
We will send you a payment confirmation email once we’ve received your card payment. You can also download an invoice from your MyCG account.
We are not able to offer invoices as a form of payment. All bookings must be paid for by card at the point of booking.
Ticket swaps can be done up until seven days before an event. To do this, please contact us and let us know the first name, last name, job title, company, dietary requirements and email address of the delegate you wish to swap your ticket to.
We can refund tickets as long as the request is made within 31 working days of the event. After this time. we cannot refund tickets but can transfer them to another colleague if the request is made within seven days of the event. Take a look at our full T&Cs for conditions of booking.
You’ll receive a Zoom link a few days prior to the course date, followed by any materials you will need to participate.
Joining instructions will be sent out seven days before each event. They’ll contain all the important information about the event, including registration, directions to the venue and programme information.
Access details can be found on your booking confirmation email. Please scroll down to roughly halfway through the email until you see ‘Access the Webinar’.
We also send out reminder emails a few days, and a few hours, before a session with a link to access the virtual training course. Please make sure to add [email protected] to your contacts so you don't miss any of these details.
We send the link with joining instructions 24 hours before an event. Please make sure to add [email protected] to your contacts so you don't miss any of these details.
No ticket is required to enter CGIUKI events. We will have record of everyone booked on and badges printed which will allow you to access the event on the day.
Slides will be sent out in an email after the event. It can take up to a week post-event as we need permission from speakers to share their content. We also can’t guarantee that we can share all slides for privacy reasons.
Please select the option to pay via invoice for the 2nd or 3rd part of the booking.
Call or email a member of the training team on 020 7612 7034 or [email protected].
A member of the team will apply your discount and re-issue your invoice.
CPD certificates will be sent out 28 days after the event and only to those who were marked as having attended the event.
If no dates are listed, this means we are currently working with the course trainer to confirm new dates.
Please check back regularly for updates. If you’re a CGIUKI member, make sure you’re opted in for updates like the CPD bulletin to find out when new training dates are available. If you’re not a CGIUKI member, you can register as a free subscriber and opt-in for the Professional Development newslettter.
Contact us
If you have a question that you can't find the answer to, please contact us via [email protected] or call us on 020 7580 4741