

Please click here for a downloadable copy of the Programme

Time Session


Registration and networking


Welcome and introduction
David Mortimer,
Head of External Affairs, CGIUKI


Sustainable change: why governance is at the heart of effective delivery of the energy transition

The role of governance in delivery climate and ESG related strategy, including discussion of the board’s responsibilities, executive structures, roles responsibilities and culture change, management information, and the integration of ESG factors into existing systems and decision making processes.  
Vanessa Havard-Williams, Coordinator of ESG Practice & Global Head of Environment & Climate Change, Linklaters LLP


Governance at the heart of ESG

It can sometimes seem that the ‘G’ in ESG is a bit of an ‘ugly duckling’, particularly in comparison to the ‘E’, which so often takes precedence. This panel will uncover how good governance is essential to any ESG activity – and demonstrate how governance serves as a linchpin, ensuring that ESG practices and disclosures come together cohesively and strategically.

Carolyn Clarke, Founding Partner, Brave Consultancy

Karina Bye FCG, Director, Company Secretarial UK, Aviva
Paul Johnston ACG, Associate Director, ONE Advisory
Bernadette O’Donoghue, Director of Research, UK & Product, Glass Lewis plc


Update on recent regulations and their Impact on ESG Reporting

Over the last year, there has been a plethora of regulations aimed at ensuring that organisations are transparent and consistent in their ESG reporting. Our panel will each give a short update on these regulations and the impact on organisations adopting them.

  • Taskforce on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) – how have organisations faired with the early days of mandatory reporting, and the FRC’s recommendations for better reporting
  • International Sustainable Standard Board (ISSB) – and impacts on UK plc
  • TNFD – increasing importance of nature (not just climate) and biodiversity
  • Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)
  • FCA's Sustainability Disclosure Requirements with a focus on asset management

Ida Woodger ACG,
 Group Company Secretary, Intertek Group plc

Phil Fitzgerald, Director, FRC Lab
Melissa Kittermaster, CEO, Asesoria
Yee Chow, Director of ESG Solution and Strategy, Diligent


Coffee, exhibition and networking


How to handle big data and environment

Reporting on ESG and sustainability data is increasingly becoming a regulatory ‘must’ and is often an impetus for improving environmental performance. However, the vast range of metrics, rating agencies and data aggregators has led to calls for standardisation – and there are signs that this fragmented market is beginning to consolidate. This session will discuss how governance professionals can support their organisations to improve the quality and accuracy of the data they collect and to leverage this for benchmarking exercises.

Carolyn Clarke, Founding Partner, Brave Consultancy

Jen Sisson, EMEA Head of Stewardship, Goldman Sachs
Rumi Mahmood, Vice President, MSCI Research


Tackling greenwashing from a governance perspective

Join us for the launch of CGI’s latest thought leadership paper: Tackling greenwashing from a governance perspective. Accusations of greenwashing come with major risks: not only reputational, but also legal, regulatory and financial. Amidst increasing investor and regulatory scrutiny of environmental claims, it is little wonder that we are seeing a rise in ‘green-hushing’. How can governance professionals work to mitigate the risk of greenwashing? We will be discussing:

  • How greenwashing is a governance issue
  • The increase in breadth and scope of anti-greenwashing regulation
  • The global uptick in greenwashing-related litigation
  • Three actionable principles to create a ‘greenwash-proof’ board

Emily Ford, Policy Adviser, CGIUKI




Business and Human Rights: Compliance and Beyond

A brief review of legal and soft law expectations relating to UK business and human rights, covering high-level frameworks like the UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights as well as more targeted laws such as the UK Modern Slavery Act and the EU Directive for Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence

Steve Kenzie, Executive Director, UN Global Compact Network UK


How to nurture a diverse board and retain it?

The increasing awareness around gender, ethnic and cognitive diversity means that governance professionals are more involved in EDI than ever. So, what does a diverse board look like? How should governance professionals harness a pipeline that addresses diversity and skills? Join our professionals from various sectors to find solutions for your board and take away top tips.

David Mortimer,
Head of External Affairs, CGI UKI

Deborah Gilshan, Founder, The 100% Club
Caroline Missen, SVP Sustainability & Growth, Cultivo. Trustee, The Soil Association & Certification Board
Claire Blackburn, Director of Governance Services, Indigo Independent Governance


Mindful Exclusion: how can we evolve the status quo?

CGI's most recent Mindful Exclusion Report, published in collaboration with the Centre for Synchronous Leadership, highlights that there has been a meaningful retreat back to the status quo at the top of organisations.  As a result, ESG-related issues fell off many boardroom agendas unless there were structural mechanisms to keep them in place. Whilst DEI remained on agenda, it appears to once again have become more of a box tick.  To make ESG sustainable we must evolve the status quo. So how can we do this, particularly when it comes to DEI?

Justine Lutterodt, Managing Director and Leadership Consultant, Centre for Synchronous Leadership

Greg Turner Smart, Inclusion Manager, Rolls-Royce SMR
Sapna McCarthy, Senior Manager, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, Tate & Lyle PLC
Glen Martin, Governance Risk and Compliance Business Partner, Red Bee Media


Tea and networking


Supply chain governance: Value, reputation and ethics

Robust governance of your supply chain is an important means to protect the value and safeguard your reputation, particularly in response to the disruption caused by the cumulative impacts of Covid-19, the Ukraine war and inflation. This session will cover the ways in which organisations and their suppliers and/or subsidiaries can continue to secure products and deliver solutions whilst ensuring sustainable practices in line with regulation such as the Modern Slavery Act.

Colleen Theron, Sustainability lawyer and consultant & Founder, Ardea International


End of conference


Thursday 27 April 2023


Novotel London West,
Hotel & Convention Centre,
One Shortlands, Hammersmith
W6 8DR


6 hours

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