Alia Fazal

Alia Fazal Speaker

Alia Fazal Head of Corporate Governance

BP plc

Alia is Head of Corporate Governance at BP plc where she leads a team of 6 company secretaries in the delivery of listed plc governance. Alia has gained experience from multiple FTSE 100 companies over nearly 20 years and has a deep understanding of what best practice represents and how this can be elevated further.

Since joining bp, Alia has built key partnerships and provided leadership in consolidating the team’s role as expert advisors within bp, keeping governance at the centre of corporate head office affairs. In particular, Alia has brought governance to the forefront in relation to the critical issue of ESG as well as leading on engagement strategies across multiple stakeholders.

Alia started her career on the graduate training programme at Ernst & Young where she qualified as a Chartered Company Secretary before moving in-house. She has since gained experience across a range of industries having worked at Tesco, British Land and Whitbread among other companies. Prior to bp, Alia was de facto company secretary for Balfour Beatty with responsibility for all plc and global corporate governance matters. In addition to being a member of the legal leadership team, she was relied upon as a key advisor by the plc board of directors.

Alia holds both a law degree and the LPC. Alia is a member of The Chartered Governance Institute’s Company Secretary's Forum, the representative body for senior members of the governance profession and also directly supports the Chair of the GC100 with various workstreams.

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