Organisational culture in academy trusts

The Confederation of School Trusts (CST) and The Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland (CGIUKI) are delighted to collaborate on this report looking at organisational culture in academy trusts.

Governance in academies continues to be a focus of attention for those within the sector and others with an interest in their success. Corporate governance arrangements have significantly evolved since the 1990s, moving away from focusing on financial management to looking at the behaviours on display in the boardroom and the culture that can then lead to.

This report draws upon the insights and contributions of a roundtable held in September 2018 with participants from the academy and charity sectors and governance world. The findings do not reflect everything that was said, but provide useful suggestions for assessing an academy trust’s culture and helping the trustees and senior leadership team to celebrate a positive and nurturing culture and decide when to take action.

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