Artificial Intelligence (AI) – The Ethical Challenge

Of interest to those involved in governance.


Artificial intelligence (AI) has rapidly evolved, becoming an integral part of modern business and significantly influencing organisational decision-making processes. However, the ethical implications of AI use are increasingly becoming a major concern. As AI continues to transform industries and societies, businesses have a responsibility to ensure their AI systems are transparent, accountable, and fair.

This guidance note firstly discusses the international ethical frameworks from organisations such as the European Commission, EUHLEX, UNESCO, and the OECD which highlight several key principles for AI use and development: accountability, human agency, transparency, and inclusiveness. Then, to help businesses navigate these ethical challenges, it endorses the Institute of Business Ethics (IBE) guidance, which provides practical steps for using AI responsibly and ethically. Adopting the IBE’s guidelines will not only help businesses comply with emerging regulations but will also build public trust and ensure that AI systems are used to promote positive social outcomes.

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