Introduction to a Qualification in Charity Law and Governance Q&As

Questions & Answers

Is the Certificate in Charity Law and Governance an accredited course, if so with which awarding body?

This is an accredited and certificated course and is approved by The Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland, a professional body.

What level of qualification is the Certificate in Charity Law and Governance course?

This qualification is set at Level 4, which is equivalent to the first year of an undergraduate degree.

Do you have to pay the full course amount when you register for the [Charity Law and Governance] course or can you pay in instalments?

If eligible, you could receive up to 75% off your course fee with a bursary. Visit our webpage for more information and the bursary criteria.

Is the bursary available to community interest companies (CICs) as well as charities?

Please refer to the bursary criteria on our website here.

Is the information covered within the Certificate in Charity Law and Governance course covered in the full Chartered Governance Qualifying Programme?

This course only covers charity law and governance. The Chartered Governance Qualifying Programme does touch on charities. However, the content is not as comprehensive concerning this sector in comparison to what you would learn on the Charity Law and Governance qualification.

What support do you offer for disabled students, such as those who may have dyslexia?

With educational needs evidence, we offer additional time in the exam.

Is the Certificate in Charity Law and Governance course suitable for those who do not have any previous experience of working within a charity?

There are no formal requirements, but working within the sector may be beneficial.

When is the deadline to apply for the September 2020 intake?

You can sign up at any time before the course begins in September 2020.

Do you offer any support to self-funded applicants?

There is a bursary that students can apply for. If you meet the eligibility criteria for the bursary, the charitable trust would pay 75% off your course fee and you would pay the remainder. Visit our qualification webpage to read more here.

Is this course available for Company Secretaries from ICSI?

This qualification is open to everyone.

How many students typically sit the Certificate in Charity Law and Governance course each year?

We had approximately 40 students in the last cohort.

Does the course include any guidance about suitable jobs/careers, for people who are wanting to move in to the sector?

Unfortunately not, but we do have a careers guidance section on our website here.

What time of the day are the course webinars usually delivered?

Usually, in the morning (10:00am). This may change from September after the new schedule has been produced by July. We advise you to visit our webpage for the most up-to-date information here.

I'm a charity CEO and have been thinking about what to study next. Being more knowledgeable about Charity Law and Governance may increase my confidence with the board and when applying for future roles. Do you have many CEO's or senior managers taking this course?

Yes, we have had senior management take this course in the past. We don't usually ask our students what their specific positions are; only a brief outline of their background.

Are the course webinars recorded in case you miss one due to other commitments?

Yes, all of our webinars are recorded and uploaded to the 'Student Support' area of the website. Simply log in to MyCG where you'll find all of the details relating to your course and lots of other helpful links.

Are there any other benefits to being a student enrolled on this course, for example, discounts on learning and development at the Institute?

Once you are a student, you have many student benefits such as discounted prices for events. Once you have completed the qualification, you gain Affiliated status with the Institute and gain the post-nominals CG.

Would you recommend the Certificate in Charity Law and Governance course to someone who studied Law and has an MBA but not actively practising, or would another course be more suitable?

This course is useful for anyone wanting to learn more about charity law and governance

Do you have a careers hub?

We do have a careers guidance section on our website here.

Where may I find the Bursary conditions for the Charity Law and Governance qualification?

Please check the bursary criteria on our website here.

If there is an instalment scheme, how many instalments are allowed (considering the current situation)?

We do not have an instalment plan. However, there is a bursary available, and if you meet our bursary eligibility criteria, the charitable trust could pay for 75% of the qualification. And you would simply pay the rest of the fee. Find out more about the bursary and its criteria on our qualifications webpage here.

I am a Graduate of the Institute and a practising solicitor. Are there any exemptions available?

Unfortunately, there are no exemptions for this particular qualification.

Will we be required to answer three questions in 3 hours [during the exam], and will these be scenario-based or essay based?

The exam is split into three sections. You can view a sample paper, which is included in the discovery pack online here. Please note that we currently only offer exams online.

I am a Chair of Trustees for a charity commission governing a 50+-year-old  charity. I also run a Community Interest Company that would be paying if I decided to join. Do I qualify for the bursary?

You can find out information on our bursary criteria on our website here.

Are the 6 modules in the Certificate in Charity Law and Governance course approached in the same order you presented them during the webinar?

Yes they are - please refer to the syllabus information included in the discovery pack on our website here. Please note that we now only offer exams online.

Will the course add a prefix (the Institute/ICSI members eligible post qualification) to the name of the student who qualified?

Yes, upon completion you gain Affiliated status with the post-nominals CG (Affiliated).

To qualify for the Bursary, do you have to be a resident in UK?

Please check the bursary criteria on our website here.

Do students on the course receive both printed study materials (e.g. textbooks) as well as online versions?

The registration fee includes the downloadable pdf version of the study text. If you require a printed textbook, you can buy it from our website bookshop.

Do you receive the book when you register? I am blind and may need more time to read the book/study.

There is an electronic study textbook included in the registration fee as a downloadable pdf.

I am from India and with 5 years of experience as a Company Secretary. Will the course be valuable for my career?

Yes, completing the Certificate in Charity Law and Governance course would be valuable if you wish to work as a governance professional within the charity/not-for-profit sector.

Could you provide a brief overview of how this qualification fits in with your others, such as the Foundation Programme?

As well as the Qualifying Programme route, The Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland offers many short course qualifications in governance and finance which you can find out about on our website here

What is the current pass rate for the Certificate in Charity Law and Governance exam?

The past rate for the last exam (November 2019) was 78%

Is there an advanced version of the Certificate in Charity Law and Governance available?

Not at the moment, but The Institute may develop one in the future.

I have some additional questions regarding this course, who may I discuss these with?

If you'd like to arrange a one-to-one follow up call with one of our qualifications team, we'd be happy to help. Please email, and include a telephone number that we can call you on.

If I am not registered to any charity, can still apply for the bursary?

Please check the bursary criteria on our website here.

Also, do you run other courses? I am a lawyer and wondering which course is best suited to me.

Yes, we offer a number of qualifications at all levels, including our Chartered Governance Qualifying Programme. Visit our website to view the range we offer here.

I am currently working in a governance support role within a charity, but I have no formal qualifications. I am interested in undertaking the Chartered Governance Qualifying Programme, will I need to complete the Foundation Programme first? Also, if I decide to undertake the Certification in Charity Law and Governance, will I still need to do the Foundation Programme?

You would need to complete the foundation programme if you have no formal qualifications. The eligibility criteria for the course is a degree with 5 years of experience within the field.

Will the Institute consider introducing an instalment plan for the Certificate in Charity Law and Governance course? In the current climate, the fee is a lot to pay in one amount at the start of the course (especially if you are self-funding and don't qualify for a bursary). This may prevent students from applying.

There are currently no plans to introduce instalment payment plans for the qualification.

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