QCA Practical Guide to ESG

ESG topics are increasingly high profile, and when a company gets them right, this encourages investment and improves reputation. The topics can be complex, with few easy answers: attending this event should help with internal discussions and inform strategy.

A joint webinar hosted by the QCA and the CGIUKI Small Listed Companies Group to discuss the brand new QCA Practical Guide to ESG.  The QCA Guide to ESG provides practical steps that small and mid-sized quoted companies can take to develop how they examine and disclose their approach to those ESG issues that matter for them. It outlines an approach that is proportionate to the resource constraints of smaller companies, whilst giving investors and stakeholders the information that they need in a digestible manner.

ESG topics are increasingly high profile, and when a company gets them right, this encourages investment and improves reputation. The topics can be complex, with few easy answers: attending this event should help with internal discussions and inform strategy.


Tim Ward, CEO, Quoted Companies Alliance

Bio coming soon.

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