Irish Region

This networking event took place on Thursday 13 June 2024 at Odeon Bar, Dublin

Branch members enjoyed summer with friends at the CGIUKI Irish Region BBQ this June.

Open to members and students, this was a fun and relaxed social occasion for everyone to catch up, mingle, and network with peers.

This event took place on Wednesday 17 January 2024

Taking the expertise of three experienced Company Secretaries, this event aimed to give some attention (and focus) to the world of the Shareholders, which are, first and foremost, the owners/building block(s) of the company.

In addition, reflecting the ever-changing corporate governance and company secretarial world, a quick update on recent developments was also provided.


Anna Holland - Managing Director of FCS Corporate Services Limited, an independent corporate governance service provider. Anna has been a Fellow of the Chartered Governance Institute since 2008 and has extensive senior company secretarial experience across various sectors in the UK and Ireland.

George Alton – Head of Corporate Compliance in DHKN, the largest professional services firm in the west of Ireland. George has extensive experience working with Irish indigenous and multi-national companies advising on many aspects of company law and company secretarial practice.

Colm Hanley - Head of Company Secretarial & Corporate Governance at LK Shields Solicitors LLP, a leading Irish corporate and commercial law firm with offices in Galway, Dublin and London. Colm has extensive expertise in company law, corporate governance, and company secretarial matters.

Sponsored by FCS Corporate Services

This networking event took place on Thursday 22 June 2023 at Odeon Bar, Dublin

Branch members enjoyed summer with friends at the CGIUKI Irish Region BBQ this June.

Open to members and students, this was a fun and relaxed social occasion for everyone to catch up, mingle, and network with peers.

This event took place on Tuesday 28 March 2023

This CPD session focused on directors duties and what a Company Secretary can do to aid a Board in meeting those duties.

Following a brief background to directors duties, the session turned to a number of practical elements, focusing on board meetings, the importance of appropriate board packs and supporting documentation, challenge (and support) from the board and the accurate recording of this and how working together the board, company secretary and executive management team can assist and support the directors in exercising their individual duties (and perhaps just as importantly, demonstrating this).


Ray Hunt, Head of Company Secretarial & Compliance Services, McCann FitzGerald LLP

Ray has many years of experience working in the Company Secretarial Departments of Dublin’s tops law and accountancy firms in the provision of a broad range of company secretarial services to clients together with advising on all aspects of company law, governance and company secretarial practice.

Ray is a Fellow of the Institute of the Corporate Governance institute. He is a member of both the Company Secretarial Practice committee of the Irish Region CGI Council and of the CRO Forum.

Ray lectures on the Certificate in Company Secretarial Law & Practice, and Diploma in Corporate Law and Governance courses with the Law Society, and regularly provides updates and briefings on Company Law issues in conjunction with both McCann FitzGerald LLP and the CGI.

This event took place on Tuesday 18 October 2022

A practical guide to distributions by a company to include:

  • Overview of the different types of distributions a company can make (cash distributions, distributions in specie)
  • Overview of different situations where distributions for a company may arise (share for undertaking exchanges/hive outs, disguised/deemed distributions (transfers at under value) and distributions on a liquidation)
  • What needs to be considered for a company to make a distribution (company constitution and balance sheet considerations)
  • Impact of certain events on distributable reserves (capital reductions, capital contributions, share redemptions/buybacks)
  • Tax considerations when making distributions (to included dividend withholding tax considerations)


Katie Creelman, Associate Director, Tax and Legal, Grant Thornton

Katie is an associate director in Grant Thornton’s Tax and Legal Department. She is a solicitor and chartered tax advisor and has significant experience advising domestic and international clients on wide ranging tax and company law matters including group reorganisations, corporate restructurings prior to sales and mergers and acquisitions.

This event took place on Thursday 21 July 2022

Open to members and students, this was a fun and relaxed social occasion for everyone to catch up, mingle, and network with peers.

This event took place on 17 December 2021


  1. To receive and approve the minutes of the 39th Annual General Meeting;

To receive and consider the Annual Report of the Region Council and Accounts for the year ended 31 July 2021.

  1. To elect/re-elect officers and members of the Region Council; and
  2. Re- election of the Auditor.

Dated 26 November 2021.

By order of the Region Council

Salvador Nash

Irish Region Council President

This event took place on Tuesday, 14 December 2021

This session provided an insight into the detail to be included in annual reports and areas of consideration for the future. The session included:

  • Directors responsibilities re the annual report;
  • Existing reporting requirements;
  • New reporting requirements coming down the tracks (eg CSRD);
  • Assurance requirements; and
  • Corporate reporting in the future.


Fiona Gaskin, Partner, PwC Ireland

Fiona Gaskin is a partner in the firm's risk assurance practice. She has nearly 20 years of experience in Ireland and Bermuda working with clients to provide transparent reporting to relevant stakeholders on a variety of topics.

Fiona's particular areas of expertise include risk management, internal controls and non-financial reporting. Fiona leads PwC's services on independent control reports. She is a fellow of Chartered Accountants Ireland and is a Certified Information Systems Auditor as well as a Certified Internal Auditor.

Fiona Hackett, Director, PwC Ireland

Fiona Hackett, is a Director in PwC and Head of the Accounting and Consulting Services and provides technical accounting support to audit teams and clients. Fiona is also the Chair of the Financial Reporting Technical Committee of Chartered Accountants Ireland.

This event took place on Tuesday 23 March 2021

This webinar was in partnership with LK Shields.

This session discussed:

  • The law governing the reduction of share capital;
  • Why reduce share capital;
  • When reduction in share capital can be made;
  • Procedures for reduction in share capital;
  • Other corporate considerations when effecting a reduction in share capital

Our speakers for this event included:

  • Ruairi Mulrean, Partner, Corporate & Commercial, LK Shields
  • Elaine Hughes, Director Company Secretarial & Compliance, LK Shields

Ruairi Mulrean, Partner, Corporate & Commercial, LK Shields

Ruairí practices in the areas of company and commercial law advising both international and domestic clients. In particular ,he focuses on corporate law, mergers and acquisitions, corporate restructuring and insolvency.

Elaine Hughes, Director Company Secretarial & Compliance, LK Shields

Elaine has extensive experience in the provision of advice and assistance on all aspects of company secretarial, corporate governance and compliance matters affecting companies.